Snow is so beautiful. Today, there was so much snow, that it looked like giant snowflakes were falling, but it was actually just a cluster of snowflakes =)
Snow sucks. It made a big group of kids wait for the bus for a way too long time. By the time the bus did came, there were three of them. I got on the second one. I barely just got on. After I got on, the bus driver wouldnt let anyone else on. We were all squished together on the bus... and it stunk. People should always smell good. Then, when you're squished in a room with other people who also smell good, then noone would suffer. Also, as I was on the bus, I was thinking about how easy it would be to spread a virus on a packed bus. No windows were open (too cold for winter), the doors weren't open (while moving), and everyone would be breathing the same air. All it takes, is to have one sick person on the bus. That one sick person just needs to sneeze, or cough, or breathe to their neighbour. Everyone on that bus would be forced to breathe in that sick air, those germs, bacteria, and the virus. Everyone who has already had this virus would be immune. Everyone who wears a gas mask or some germ protection gear would be safe. Everyone who held their breath for the entire journey would be safe. In a packed bus, the air would circulate the bus in no time. Some of the germs would be breathed into people, and when they breathe out, they would be spreading it again, further and further until everyone on that bus has breathed in sick air. gross.
I was waiting at the bus stop to transfer to the next bus when this chinese man, about 40-50 coughed. in my direction. almost directly at me. he stood barely a metre away. i could see his coughy breath. i turned away, took a quick sharp breath, and walked past him. I held my breath until I was far away enough from him to breathe, but I still didn't quite trust the air. Ugh. Why is he so gross. When you cough, please cover your mouth and move to someplace where there arent people if possible. He did not cover his mouth. He did not move away, and he easily could have! ugh so gross.
Snow can save a life. I was walking Kyra home today, from the park and we saw this guy that I knew. He waved, and started to cross the street towards us when Kyra started to growl and tugged on the leash to move away. When the guy came too close, she tugged so hard that she got out of her leash. Then she proceeded to sniff a tree... and walk away from my friend. I followed her, and she walked on the streeet a couple times, but since there was so much snow, the cars were travelling at 20km/hr or even less. They were able to see her and brake before anything happened, and that gave me time to usher Kyra over back onto the sidewalk. bad dog.
Snow helps to strengthen muscles. Snow can also break backs. I'm going to have to shovel the snow soon. The good thing about this snow, is that it is light and fluffy. This isn't packing snow, and for that I am glad. People can easily hurt their backs while shovelling because their arms get tired after a while, and soon they rely on their backs to help lift the shovel. This causes people to have bad posture while doing physical activity because the weight is unbalanced, and our backs were not made to tolerate this kind of torture.
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