Focus. Concentrate. Think. Do.
I can't concentrate on doing homework. I always fall asleep in class. I can't help it. In econ today, my teacher was talking about utils and how some guy came up with a theory to estimate? how much people are willing to buy (an item) depending on their satisfaction.. of the product and the price changes. etc idk if that even makes sense. haha. anyway, yeah. gaah. i fell asleep. LOL... i have no idea what he said after. he;s usually pretty interesting though...........
Lately (or has it been more than that?), I've been unable to concentrate on doing work at home. I just cant work. I have to do work at school, or at a the Country Style near my church just before fellowship. I'm really glad that God gave me that time inbetween school and church to just sit at a coffeeshop, and do work. I can study for tests, I can do all my work for the coming week, I can catch up on physics, chemistry, math. Sometimes, people I know drop by, and they make me feel less lonely (and I can pee LOL) and it helps me relax and take a break from my studies. =) Sometimes they even help me with my homework! haha. but yeah... att home.... i can't do anything.... i can only do things when it's after dinner. and i have like less than 3 hours left before my (ideal) bedtime (12am). So thats like nine. lol sometimes after dinner (around 630) i just check my email, send emails, and surf or read or do things that have nothing to do with school. I can't do work ahead of time. I feel like my body's acustomed to doing things last minute, and the more work it requires, the more I push it back. For example, I had to do this french speech (it's in english somewhere below) and it was due the next day, (of course, i left it to the night before) and instead of working on it, i worked on physics and chemistry homework that wasn't even due until the week after. lol.. it's like my body just automatically just takes out my physics and chem folder... get some scrap paper... and then do the questions........ and when i think about doing french.. (speech) im like euhghhghhg...
wow im writing a lot. i posted a lot today. i think blogging is like my outlet to procrastination. I'm procrastinating, but its like sort of a good procrastinating because i'm thinking about stuff. lol iono. =) i have no iidea what i'm writing about. i feel like im in a daze. or a different world. lalalalalaal. right now, i have this english essay i have to edit... and its due tomorrow for peer editing. ugh i hate english. T_T i need like different posts LOL for all these things im talking about. so disorganized. blub. i highlighted everything i needed to edit lol.. and i'm still not very inclined to do it. sigh. sometimes i just do work to get over it. but i reallllly dont feel like it right now. i know that i'll be busy tonight - at a dinner because my bandmate (singer) is leaving for hongkong on friday,, and i wont be seeing him for a month. so yeah......we're gonna end pretty late so yap. better get working! except i cant LOL. ughhhh slakdjalskdjsldksjd maybe i'll just unhighlight everything and bring it to class. i need to boost my mark for english. but like i could care less about this stupid essay. ugh whyyyyyyyyy. i dont like my english teacher. seriously. she talks so much about useless things. we're trying to concentrate on writing or like doing an assignment and she'll just like " oh by the way.." and its like "thanks...... i lost my train of thought. why are you wasting my time with useless things. i dont careeeee. stop talking to me" . ugh sometimes i just tune people out. but some people refuse to be tuned out. well actually. i just cant tune her out because she might say something important..... but then again i never catch anything she says that's important and i end up going " WHAT?" sometime later that week when someone at my table tells me lol.... good job english. when i get to class (1st period) i am barely awake. lol i wake up like half an hour before school starts............ so like half the time i have no idea what's going on anyway............. or i fall asleep.................or i just like zone out........................and people take advantage of me LOL. so bad. this guy takes my pens..... when he notices that im like not paying attention.. and he'll just like use it.... and it kinda bothers me because he has allergies or something (i do too but its not as severe) and hes like blowing his nose.. then touching my pen.........a nd im like eww ughhhh (when i zone back in) lol >< like salkjdlskdjskldj and its like too late to save my pencil. i know you cant spread allergies, its not contagious but it's still gross. dah. no way to escape them germs.
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