Monday, February 7, 2011

free ride?

today, I was waiting at a bus stop, for a bus that would be crowded at the time. Expecting to not be able to get on the first few busses, I didn't have high hopes that I would get home early (yeah i skipped - but there was a supply teacher, so we wouldnt be doing anything anyway). Anyway, so a bus came, and it was pretty packed. The bus driver (I recognized him) was nice, as he let as many people squish on as he could (it was snowing). He then opened the back doors, and said (to whom?) to "go in through the back doors" and "it's okay".... so ... okay.. i was unsure at first, because - how was i going to pay? so anyway, i followed this other girl on the bus from the back... and she had a metro pass... so i guess she flashed it.. lol but i had a ticket.. so like idk..... and then the doors closed and i realized that noone else got on the bus. it was only that other girl and i.. lol so i was trying to figure out how i was going to get to the front to pay... but then it was so crowded that i couldnt get through, so i just stayed at the doors. I got off 3 stops later. So ...technically, I got a free bus ride lol. yay. me...... but then i needed to pay anyway later cauz i needed to get on another bus. so when you think about the net payment and the total distance travelled, i still paid the same amount i would have, if i hadn;t gotten a "free" ride.

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