Saturday, February 12, 2011

for the record...

why do you always assume that i'm lying? just because you don't remember things the way you want them to be, and I happen to say something that ruins what you thought?  the worst part is that i actually told you, but i guess you just werent listening. i havent lied to you for at least the past two years. Why would i start now, and over something so trivial as who i ate dinner with or where i ate it? gees.

i'm old enough to make my own food, thank you.

i would have driven myself home after band practise if you let me have insurance...
i would have taken the bus home, if it werent for the nice band mates i have, that said i couldnt bus home at such a late time alone, in the cold, sick, with my electric.

and i ate alone. gees. i made wonton. a whole tray full.

so what was the "lie" or misconception you had? that i would be eating with the band mates. you thought i would be going out with them to dinnner.
i already told you that they were going to be staying longer since they were part of the drama rehearsal, and i was only in band, so i could leave earlier. and then you told me to eat with them anyway...
and i said they didnt make food for me, and they were just going to eat there cauz theres a kitchen.
and then  you come home and wonder why im home so early, and i tell you that i made my own food, and they drove me home.
and then you said you thought i was going out to eat. -_- sighhhh

why does it matter anyway? i ate. i'm home. there.

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