Friday, February 11, 2011

Time to Sleep

For the past week, I haven't been sleeping enough. That is, 8 hours. I know that's a luxury for people to get that much sleep... but for me, that is the amount of sleep necessary for me to have in order to function properly.

Here are some of my symptoms for not enough sleep:

- I do not wave back at you. This is because:
     1. I can't see you. (if my glasses are not on, and you are more than 5m away, chances are I can only tell who you are by the way you walk (gait recognition), or your voice (if you call me).
     2. I am thinking about stuff .. I am in my own world.
     3. I have not had enough sleep, and I am just a zombie walking around... and I am not really aware of what I am doing, where I am going, what I am seeing.

- I am more easily agitated.

- I have a bad memory. I don't remember anything.

- I remember suddenly jolting awake... to see that the teacher has moved on .. and is now talking about something else.

- I zone out and day dream/day sleep. yes, with my eyes open.

- I do not respond to people. --> yeah im in sleep mode.... i am just too tired to care. D=

- my eyes hurt. i can feel those eyebags.

- I find myself thinking about how comfortable and warm my bed is....

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