Monday, December 31, 2012


So I didn't have free wifi at my hotel while I was in the states so I took some notes about what happened each day to remind myself of my thoughts and events that happened. Here they are; they aren't very specific but I'm hoping to compile something better when I get home. I also wasn't able to read Acts every day  (I read chapters 1-6) since the conference was overflowing with a lot of information and lots of bible study in Luke already, so I decided not to bombard myself with too much to process and be able to have a rested and energized mind when I start reading Acts again when I get back.

I might delete this post after I finish the series of posts from my Urbana experience.

Day 1
Arrive at hotel
Talk with high school church friend about business and plans
Why I'm here: to get info and discernment
Mutual prayers and support
Friend: ate at snarfs, bought book, lost cap, raw heel, not happy

Day 2
Out of it

Prayer received from EMI guy at booth : discernment and patience.

Urban poverty track
Kcf friend in same track, telling me to rest
Prayer room: booklet on brokenness

Day 3
Sleeping in
Really sick, stuffy nose
Receiving care from roommates
Everyone asking if I'm ok, found out I'm sick
Seminar on discerning missionary call
No urban poverty track, so went to
Seminar on architecture and engineering
bump into kcf friend: shares same vision
Bookstore bought 6 books
Night session with kcf: packing med kits
Bumped into high school friend omw back to hotel
Late night chat with close friend and roommate huddle: relationships and patience, rawness in vulnerability and truth: prayer

Day 4
Sleeping in
Seminar on entrepreneurship 101
Cleared things up: gonna do start up
Good key points and advice
Talk with friend, so excited
Sickness is not hindering me
Clear nose, took meds, refreshed.
Urban poverty track again
Late night chat: roommate huddle until really late. Slept on two suitcases.

Day 5
Packing up to go home!
Prayed with a stranger
New years celebration with everyone then go home!

God provides, showing me His love through community, resting to be able to hear His word, timing of events and people I interacted with.

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