Tuesday, December 18, 2012

the Wisdom Teeth Extraction

This girl sounds really good. She's doing a cover of The A Team - Ed Sheeran

As promised, today I will describe my experience in getting my wisdom teeth out. I had to get all four out at the same time, and I was given a local anesthesia and sedative through an IV. I do not like needles, so I told them that I get really queasy thinking about it and stuff. So the nurse was really nice, she told me everything that she was going to do, and described the machinery she was going to hook me up to. First she sat me down in the dental chair, then some other nurse put my hair in a hair net/shower cap thing. Then she put a bib around my neck to catch the drool or anything that might come out of my mouth during the operation / something to act as a tissue for the surgeon if he wanted to wipe his tools. She put a clip on my thumb, to keep track of my oxygen levels, she stuck three stickers (two in the space between my shoulders and chest, and one on my left side) to monitor my heart rate, and she wrapped those blood pressure monitoring squeezing things around my left arm. It's supposed to squeeze me every 5 minutes. Then she put the mask (just a tube with a maybe 1/4 of the side cut out) over my nose. It was a dark pastel-orange tube that ran horizontally across my face, with a slot for it to fit my nose. The mask only gave me oxygen at first, so I could get used to it. Then after a while, she started giving me the laughing gas so that I would feel "drunk" and not worry about the needle she'd need to put in my vein for the IV drip. That's when the surgeon came in. He was a big guy, but not in a scary way - he was like an Asian Santa. He was really nice and comforting. I noticed the nurse having a bit of trouble trying to find my vein in my right hand and she poked me a few times and I could feel her digging around because apparently my veins weren't showing up. But I didn't care - the laughing gas was working and I felt no fear. I kept laughing and asking if she found my vein yet. I think I was talking too much because she kept telling me not to worry about what she was doing and focus on breathing in the laughing gas. The surgeon even closed my mouth for me (gently) and said, "If I were you, I'd just inhale as much of this laughing gas as I can, it feels really good."  What a funny man. After looking for my vein in my other hand (left), she finally found my vein and then the IV started flowing in me. My finger tips felt a bit tingly because of the laughing gas, but I didn't feel the IV flowing through my veins (which was what I was trying to avoid since my imagination of that feeling was very uncomfortable, so phew).

After that, I just stared at them for a bit and then I fell asleep. I don't remember what happened. I don't remember any part of the surgery. I am also a bit sad to say that I don't remember what I "dreamt" or "thought" about or "did" while I was knocked out. I remember nothing! I wasn't in another world, I didn't see God or a bright figure. I just woke up and found myself in another room with my dad and sister staring at me. I was shaking a lot and I started tearing up without knowing why. Maybe I was just so overwhelmed that I survived and that God decided to let me live a while longer. I was just glad to be alive. I think I also scared the guy who was about to get laughing gas (he was the next patient) because he heard me crying and turned around asking, "AM I GOING TO BE LIKE HER?"  Tehee, sorry man. I remember that I kept asking questions and talking a lot, saying things like, "Were there any complications?" (to that, the surgeon said, "No, it went well!"), "I'm sorry! Thank you! Thank yoU! I'm SOrry!" (to these things, the nurse and basically everyone around me kept trying to shush me and get me to stop talking, but I didn't seem to get the point in my drugged state). The nurse and my family supported me all the way to the car and then my family took me home.

Then I basically slept all day, slurped up some purred squash my sister made for me (which was delicious by the way), and then I wanted to play mah jong (addictive, gambling tile-card Asian game) with my family, but they refused to play and made me rest instead. Oh well. Not that we were going to gamble with money or anything, just with chips and then see who had the most at the end. Just for fun.

Oh well. Today I'm going to be staying in bed all day, trying to recover as fast as I can so that I can finish up some of my work that I have to email in preferably by the end of the week, and so I can play! Attend Christmas gatherings, get ready for Urbana, and then go to New Years celebrations!!! I can't wait to eat ice cream in a few days! I can't have anything too hot or too cold yet. But just you wait!!!!!! SOON!!!!!!!

Yes, I also have drugs I'm taking. I'm taking one to two pain killers every 4 hours (or more, since the pain is diminishing now, and I've gotten used to the dull pain), an anti-swelling pain, and antibiotics. I feel pretty okay. I can still do math, and bargain with cell phone sales representatives. I am just slightly sleepy all the time and eating less, but I don't really need the energy anyway to lie in bed.

So this experience isn't that bad. I survived the hardest part - waking up from the anesthesia. The pain is not really a big concern thanks to the pain killers and my wonderful surgeon. My family is supportive and understand that I am in pain and need to rest. My dog is really cute and sleeps by my side, keeping me company and making me happy every time I roll over and look at her. I am blessed.

I have decided to read the gospel of Luke next, as the Urbana website said that it would be a good way to prepare for the conference. I am going to follow the 7 day plan since this will last me until Christmas Eve (the 24th), which works out perfectly in time for Urbana. So today I will be reading Luke chapters 1-3.

Luke 3:21-22 says, "When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as he was praying, heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”"

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