Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Usual

Bittersweet. I can hardly wait for this term to end so that I can relax and have some vacationing time, but I don't want this term to end because of the relationships I've been building. Some of these friends will be leaving and I don't know when I"ll be able to see them again. I guess everyone has to move on. Bittersweet is also how I feel when someone confides in me about pain that they are going through. It is bitter because what they are going through is rough and tough, but what's sweet about it is our relationship - that they were able to share their burden with me and be open to comfort. It is also sweet because it helps me to realize that they trust me and I really appreciate it. Although sometimes people say things lightly or brush things off casually, the words still hit me and there is always a time afterward of seriousness where I reflect on what was said. Those are the moments of bitter-sweetness.

Another moment of bitter-sweetness is when everything is over and you recall all those memories you had with each other. It's sad because you don't get to do those things anymore, or as often. But it's good because you remember them. Meeting up with someone to do something together always at the same time at the same place, the usual. I like that. Having the usual. When you've done something so many times that someone else knows exactly what's going through your head. When you go into the coffee shop and the barista hands you your drink and you hand them exact change. When you know when and exactly where to meet somebody without having to say it because you've already met them there and then so many times before. It's something that feels normal and has been ingrained into your habits, a mutual understanding. It's such an awesome feeling - knowing that another person knows exactly what you mean without having to say it. It's these little habits that remind me of all the good times we had together.

There's a song I was listening to today, and I really liked these two lines, "so don't say goodbye, say goodnight". It's over now, but it won't be over forever.

Reading Proverbs 19 today...

verse 2, "It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way."

verse 5, "A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who pours out lies will not go free."

verse 22, "What a man desires is unfailing love; better to be poor than a liar."

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