lol i guess it's about time i received some form of punishment......for always going to school late. sigh.
i just cant seem to wake up on time. and even if i do (like this morning), i am lethargic, and slowly ease into my day.
i can not seem to do what i used to do, a few months ago - get up and rush through my daily routine, and getting to school right on the dot. now i just wake up and i don't care. i dont care what time i get to school. i dont care that i'm not in the car by 8 30. i don't care that my teacher constantly threatens to punish me. i don't care. honestly, when i'm going to die soon, i dont think this is something i really have to worry about. haha. i just want to enjoy the last bit of my life here. =)
so anyway, this is what happened:
i woke up at 8 15 (used to be enough time for me to get to school right on time, but not anymore).
i got in the car probably around 8:40..... and i had to pack all my snowboarding stuff (blog about that after) into the car, so thats what probably took up some time. then we got going, takes about 15 mins for my mom (slow driver) to get there.... so then it was probably around 8:50 or 8:55 (class starts at 8:45). then i put all my stuff away in my locker.. and then thought about what to do: go to class? or sign in and then go study for my massive crapload of tests this week? i decided to just sign in (not bother the teacher, who was teaching) and study. so i went to the office and signed in...... and then the lady was like " kay, you have too many lates. you have a detention afterschool for 30 mins" lol and i said " uhh. i can't come afterschool. i have snowboarding." then shes like "then speak to absljdhsldsljlkjkjlkjdalskjd come at lunch". so then i went to class lol no point not going, since if they saw me in the library then they'd probably like yell @ me or something idk.... sigh
in class the teacher was like " i warned you!" lol which is true, but not like i really thought much of it. you know how it is, theyre just trying to scare you. pahaha. but i appreciate the warning, thanks.. lol . anyway it's not like i'll have much school this week anyway - wednesday i m going on a ski trip for the whole day (dont worry i'll be ontime. i'm never late for exciting things - because i cant sleep the night before LOL so i dont have trouble waking up) and then on friday is my physical check up at the doctors. i talked to my teacher after detention (which was stupid, just eating and reading physics text book at lunch for 30 mins, andthen i got up and left) about how i was going to see the doctor on friday, and maybe he'll find out what's wrong with me. i meant as in my heart, but i think she meant as in why i'm always late or can't wake up on time lol. oh well same thing. i guess he can check everything. sigh part of me wants there to be something wrong with me, so that my parents will realize that they've been puttting so much stress on me (unnecessarily), and i'll have an excuse at school lol... but then..... i dont want there to be anything wrong - who would? then it'd cause stress on everyone around me... and then yeah idk its stupid . why would you wish something terrible upon yourself?
i only have to be ontime tomorrow, and thursday then. =D i can do this. lol my teacher warned me that if i'm late one more time, i'll have to go see a viceprincipal lol to "talk about my issues" and "figure out a punishment". honestly though, if you're going to send a student home for being late, why should they even bother coming in the first place then? say, i wake up late one day - why come if they're just gonna send me home? i might as well just not get up and stay in my bed. gees. then i can spend the rest of the day studying for all these freaking tests. i desperately need a day off. i'm thinking that as long as im not late for the rest of this week, i'll be out from their radar after march break! also : my friend warned me so i'll warn you too : if you've had an office detention already, and they're onto you, do not skip first period if you're late! they'll come after you! lol. so just go to class. and my warning to you is : never sign in at the office if you're chronically late. they can't issue a detention if you're not there for them to give one to. they wont see your record unless you sign in because it pops up when they search up your name to put you on the record that you were late. if you go to class and they mark you late, only the scantron machine will see and record it. so don't sign in at the office where they can see you and give you a detention.
i just cant seem to wake up on time. and even if i do (like this morning), i am lethargic, and slowly ease into my day.
i can not seem to do what i used to do, a few months ago - get up and rush through my daily routine, and getting to school right on the dot. now i just wake up and i don't care. i dont care what time i get to school. i dont care that i'm not in the car by 8 30. i don't care that my teacher constantly threatens to punish me. i don't care. honestly, when i'm going to die soon, i dont think this is something i really have to worry about. haha. i just want to enjoy the last bit of my life here. =)
so anyway, this is what happened:
i woke up at 8 15 (used to be enough time for me to get to school right on time, but not anymore).
i got in the car probably around 8:40..... and i had to pack all my snowboarding stuff (blog about that after) into the car, so thats what probably took up some time. then we got going, takes about 15 mins for my mom (slow driver) to get there.... so then it was probably around 8:50 or 8:55 (class starts at 8:45). then i put all my stuff away in my locker.. and then thought about what to do: go to class? or sign in and then go study for my massive crapload of tests this week? i decided to just sign in (not bother the teacher, who was teaching) and study. so i went to the office and signed in...... and then the lady was like " kay, you have too many lates. you have a detention afterschool for 30 mins" lol and i said " uhh. i can't come afterschool. i have snowboarding." then shes like "then speak to absljdhsldsljlkjkjlkjdalskjd come at lunch". so then i went to class lol no point not going, since if they saw me in the library then they'd probably like yell @ me or something idk.... sigh
in class the teacher was like " i warned you!" lol which is true, but not like i really thought much of it. you know how it is, theyre just trying to scare you. pahaha. but i appreciate the warning, thanks.. lol . anyway it's not like i'll have much school this week anyway - wednesday i m going on a ski trip for the whole day (dont worry i'll be ontime. i'm never late for exciting things - because i cant sleep the night before LOL so i dont have trouble waking up) and then on friday is my physical check up at the doctors. i talked to my teacher after detention (which was stupid, just eating and reading physics text book at lunch for 30 mins, andthen i got up and left) about how i was going to see the doctor on friday, and maybe he'll find out what's wrong with me. i meant as in my heart, but i think she meant as in why i'm always late or can't wake up on time lol. oh well same thing. i guess he can check everything. sigh part of me wants there to be something wrong with me, so that my parents will realize that they've been puttting so much stress on me (unnecessarily), and i'll have an excuse at school lol... but then..... i dont want there to be anything wrong - who would? then it'd cause stress on everyone around me... and then yeah idk its stupid . why would you wish something terrible upon yourself?
i only have to be ontime tomorrow, and thursday then. =D i can do this. lol my teacher warned me that if i'm late one more time, i'll have to go see a viceprincipal lol to "talk about my issues" and "figure out a punishment". honestly though, if you're going to send a student home for being late, why should they even bother coming in the first place then? say, i wake up late one day - why come if they're just gonna send me home? i might as well just not get up and stay in my bed. gees. then i can spend the rest of the day studying for all these freaking tests. i desperately need a day off. i'm thinking that as long as im not late for the rest of this week, i'll be out from their radar after march break! also : my friend warned me so i'll warn you too : if you've had an office detention already, and they're onto you, do not skip first period if you're late! they'll come after you! lol. so just go to class. and my warning to you is : never sign in at the office if you're chronically late. they can't issue a detention if you're not there for them to give one to. they wont see your record unless you sign in because it pops up when they search up your name to put you on the record that you were late. if you go to class and they mark you late, only the scantron machine will see and record it. so don't sign in at the office where they can see you and give you a detention.
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