Monday, March 21, 2011


There are five levels of creepiness.

1. The Secret Creeper : typical person, only stalks people on facebook, or myspace/whatever social networking site when something interesting pops up on their home page/news feed. harmless, just nosy or curious, or just doing their duty in keeping up to date with their friends...virtually. this level of creepiness is common and accepted in society.

2. The Observant Creeper : also a typical person, has really keen eyes and ears, and is good at noticing people that are around, what they are doing, and perhaps even over hear some of their conversations. perhaps this creeper will make mental thoughts about what was said or done, but wouldn't really take anything to heart. this is a harmless creeper.

3. The Distant Creeper : someone who takes an interest in certain individuals, or certain groups of people, and may follow them at a distance, with binoculars, or with webcams/spycams. their intentions may not be that bad, they are probably just interested, or curious, but they could also have alterior but passive motives (ie. peeping tom).

4. The Visible Creeper : this person does a bad job of hiding, or they just don't care. they're convinced that there is absolutely nothing wrong with what they are doing. they are really creepy and actually have creepy intentions, without thinking that they are creepy. they will say or do anything that will send out goosebumps and vibes that will make the hair on your skin tingle. they will come in contact with you! you should be wary of these people.

5. The Dangerous Creeper : this kind of creeper actively takes a role in creeping. they will find a target, follow them around, and once they have their schedule, likes/dislikes, and personality all figured out - obtaining this information through indirect means, they plan to take action, and do something creepy that may actually place the stalkee in a position of danger. they may even try to establish a relationship with you, to obtain information directly from you - with mal intentions. these people are highly dangerous, and the scary thing about them is that it could be anyone - a close friend, your next door neighbour, they can take on many illusions to trick you!

be warned! these people do exist!

there are so many creepers that i have come across.... in my.. life..... lol..... too many. one is more than enough, thank you. but they just keep coming. seriously. i like the way i look, but like, perhaps if my face wasn't so recognizeable.....  =) . and some creepers have a really good memory.. so you have to remember what you tell them - so you don't slip up if they ask you personal questions you do not want to answer but don't want to get in danger.

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