Wednesday, March 9, 2011

aaand....... face plant!'s definition of face plant: Involving sports such as skateboarding, or bike riding, or any other sport for that matter, and you fall, and land directly on your face.

D= which is what happened to me today. so i went snowboarding all day, with the school @ moonstone. i love their hills, there's two sides, and one side is more advanced, while the other is more soft, and for beginners. So after we did our lesson and got our red stickers, we went to the advanced side. it was very windy, and it was snowing, so hard bits of snow kept flying in all our faces. as we went down, it felt like i was free falling because the wind was so strong it pushed me up, so i wouldn't fall, and i was leaning into the wind, and so it was pretty cool caus as long as i stayed balanced on my board, i wouldn't catch an edge or fall forwards. it was awesome. until the wind stopped. then i face planted lol and hit the ground with the whole upper front side of my body. my goggles got flipped around somewhere (but it was attached to my helmet) and my helmet was lopsided. lol not fun. i felt the shock go up my body. and then after a while, i tried to get up into a sitting position, and my friend, who was behind me kept talking to me and seeing if i was alright but she couldnt hear my muffled answers through my scarf. it was painful D=. i'm so glad that i'm safe and i didnt break anything thanks to God (yes i prayed before, for safety) and i was just a bit out of breath, but i was fine. for the next couple of runs, i was more careful about leaning into the wind. i was already still really sore from snowboarding on monday, so i think i pulled my hamstring D=. not coool, but i kept snowboarding anyway, but i just used other muscles to control where i was going - so i was always the slow one. sigh i feeel so bad for everyone cauz they had to wait for me. =( .. at the lift. but they were so nice, there would always be one person who waited for me (when they noticed i wasn't there yet) so that i wouldnt have to go up the lift alone.  =)  

when i got home, i was so dead tired and my muscles ached all over.  i tried to take a bubble bath but it didnt really work because i had no bubbles, and my tub plug got thrown out a few months ago when it grew mold and it was gross. i need a new one! and bubbles! so yeah i just basically sat in like whatever water my bottle of shampoo could plug, and turned on the radio while i stretched and enjoyed the hot water. =)  but then before i could relax enough, i had to go eat dinner lol. poo.

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