Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wake Up Tired?

For the past few days, I have been waking up tired. I scramble out of bed... or sometimes I just lie there until it is absolutely necessary to jump out of bed and rush through getting ready for school and stuff. I always aim to leave at 8:30, but I've been leaving at like 8:35 lately, and thankfully our school clock is messed up so when I get to school, I am early/ontime/just barely late. So yeap. Then I sit through period one... I am quite awake...for the first half hour.... then I start to lean on one arm.... and then my eyes close..... but my other hand is still writing.... and my ears are still listening...so if anyone asks me what was being said, I can still repeat it back to them. I am aware of what is going on..... except my eyes cant seem to stay open for it. I groggily make my way to second period. I go in, feeling a bit more refreshed after the walk. I try to look awake for the teacher. She starts talking and I am listening and I am finding the topic very interesting. Soon enough, my head suddenly jerks upwards, and I realise that I have fallen asleep. I take a quick glance to see if anyone noticed. Nope... maybe I wasn't out for too long. Lunch. I eat. I walk around. I talk to people. I am awake. Third period. I have either a test or a free period. I do the test, and when I am just finished, my eyes shut off... for a moment to relax... I hand in the test. Then I rest until everyone else has finished. If I have a free period, I do work. I have music going through my head, and I am focused on doing work. I finish a couple questions... I start to tackle a harder problem..... I suddenly jolt myself awake.......then I go back to solving the problem...............and someone talks to me..... and I wake up to respond. I go home.  Standing in the cold wakes me up a bit. Sitting on the bus makes me think.... and I start to drift off........ I get off the bus. I cross the street. No cars hit me; I am alert enough.  I enter my house to a warm, excited cutie pie of a dog and she jumps on me and licks my face. I take her outside to play in the snow and we have fun. I feel more awake and alert. We go back inside, and I grab something to eat. I get a drink. I start to get ready to do work........ I see my bed, and I change  and I fall asleep on the bed, leaving my work spilled out all over my desk. I don't wake up when my parents get home. I know they are back, but my eyes are closed and I turn to my side. I don't wake up when my parents call out for me. I don't wake up when they come into my room to see me sleeping. I don't wake up until they've calleed me at least 5 times to go down for dinner. I wake up and go downstairs feeling more tired and groggy than before. After dinner, I make myself a cup of coffee, and go back to my room to do work. I finish what's due the next day and I tell myself I'm going to practise guitar and shower and then sleep. I end up procrastinating, pooing, showering and falling asleep instead. Repeat.

I don't know. D= coffee doesn't help. my head hurts when I'm at school. I sleep at 12 latest!!! I wake up at earliest 8am! I GET MY 8 hours!!!! I usually don't feel too great without 8 hours.. but yeah. iono maybe im getting old! lol ionoo braaaaaaaaahhhh

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