Thursday, December 9, 2010


I smell like coffee. My clothes smell like coffee. This is what happens when you sit in a coffee shop for three hours. I was very productive. I spent the whole time studying for chem, I did almost every single question from my text book that I printed out (so I wouldn't have to carry the whole text book). I circled the ones that I got wrong, and I tried to figure them out. All I have to do now, is to reread the whole chapter and I should be good to go.  Since I was at the coffee shop for a very long time, I ordered a bigger cup of coffee than I usually do. I got a large. Then as always, I had to pee. I took my money (10 bucks lol), my phone, my keys, and finished my coffee. I held it for as long as I could. I also held it because I wanted to finish hearing the song hehe on the radio (the one from trans-siberian orchestra, epic christmas instrumental). Then I left my empty cup of coffee on the desk, and looked around @ the people in the coffeeshop. After I felt I remembered everyone, I went to the washroom. I took a very long time. I had lots of pee. I peed for almost 3 minutes straight. That's how badly I had to go. Then I went back, and saw that noone took my stuff (y). Man.. I shouldn't have worn such fresh, clean and lovely smelling clothes. T_T Now my sweater smells like laundry with like a musky coffee flavour. Ugh.. I suppose it's not as bad as smelling like weed or korean BBQ etc. but still gross. I do not smoke btw. =P  but yeah. gross. I should like wear the same clothes every time I go to the coffee shop . lol that way I wont stinkify my other clothes. but nah, the people there would think I'm nasty cauz I'm always wearing the same clothes. hehehe. Even though I only go like once or twice a week, it'll be like "hey look! It's the girl who wears the same thing!" ... eww...

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