Monday, December 6, 2010


tmr's the last day for early bird sales. I am asian, therefore,  I must choose between buying it tomorrow, or not going at all. go or no go?

pros:  - final year? so we can do something fun with everyone...before we all go off... to the same why does everyone want to go to waterloo man.........
- everyone looks so pretty! ......
- if I don't go, what will I do....dahaha  .. (would I be able to sneak in? nahhh)

cons:  have to spend 100 on ticket, and another 100+ on a dress + transportation. ( yes, if I go I still want to look nice)
I'll probably see everyone again anyway ... (or I dont want to) it is not the last time I will see everyone, so I don't care.
100 bucks for a few hours? really?? I can chill with friends anytime for wayyy less!
blublublublub . . . . chuggachugga.....chooooooooo choooooooooo........................

iono man. wtf. why are they selling tickets already. it's ... december....... dude..... lol it's two seasons away.....and who really thinks about this stuff so early on (other than some girls who already picked out their dresses? wtf?) !@!@!  sure, they need to plan.... but do they reallllly need to plan .... like now?! the # of people and stuff? reservations  and food i guess........... @_@ .. but it'll change after early bird too.... so i could buy after if I really wanted to go.... but like why pay extra right. so asian. blahhh   prom is overrated. dubdubdubdubdubblubbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabammm.

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