Tuesday, December 14, 2010


T&T is my life. I talk about T&T a lot. I go to T&T a lot. I live 5 mins away from T&T. T&T is the best place ever! Inside food court with diff restarurants to choose from from congee to bibimbap to fried rice to takoyaki. They also have ready to eat food at the supermarket - dimsum, sushi, viet food, dinner dishes, bread, other bakery goods, etc. DELICIOUS STUFF. Man. I love it when their stuff goes on sale. I constantly check out their prices for when some good stuff goes on sale. Sometimes, when I see something inetesting and on sale, I'll get it to try it out. mmm!!!! Today, at T&T while I was looking for something to pack for lunch, they had brown music on. lol .. not to discriminate or anything, but I thought it was quite odd. Then, they started playing terrible remixes of Christmas songs. blehhh. gross. it sounded all poly-tony and the singer(s) didn't even sound good. They sounded like screeching rabbits or something (not that i know what that sounds like, but doesnt that give you a horrible image?) .

I hate it when people go through the wrong doors. Especially when its an automatic door, that either opens in or out. They also have a round sticker at eye level, where it indicates whether the door is used for people to ENTER or EXIT. Some stickers use simpler words: IN and OUT. PEOPLE NEED TO FOLLOW THESE DOOR SIGNS. ughh . SO ANNOYING. This always happens at T&T. Maybe they need to get signs that say IN and OUT in chinese, and perhaps tamil too. Here are some reasons why it pisses me off. I'm trying to go in (through the IN door), and this asian lady comes pushing her cart out through the IN door THE WRONG WAY towards me........... SO I AM TRAPPED OUTSIDE!!!!!! I can't get in through the OUT door because it doesnt open my way, and there is no sensor on my side. I can't get in through the IN door because this stupid lady has her cart there and is taking her freaking time. IT'S COLD OUTSIDE! LADY GET A MOVE ON! UGH OR USE THE RIGHT DOOR...... ughhhhhhaaaaawuuuggaaah.  Another instance, is when I am not at the doors yet, so they dont sense me, but someone else walked through recently, so the doors are open. Another asian lady decides to go out the already open door (IN) with her cart - totally walking past the OUT door. She wheels her cart....... just as the IN door closes. She hits the door with the cart at full speed. Now, the IN door opens inwards, towards the lady... and she kept trying to push the door with her cart. LADY, IT IS NOT GOING TO OPEN. ugh read the sign! AND LET ME IN! WHY ARE YOU BLOCKING THE DOORRRRRRRRRRRRRR RAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHH.

okay im goood. i've been wanting to complain about that for a while now hehe.

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