Monday, January 21, 2013

"Research" Shows...

One of my past co-workers posted this link today and I thought it was pretty funny. It's an article about some studies that were made (credibility unknown??) between 6 different programs and disciplines and they came to the conclusion that engineering students (excluding computer engineering) are "cold and dead inside", and "don't care what anyone thinks" or are "flinty and unfeeling".

Well then...

There's a free course at my university about "God and Reason" that starts tomorrow. I'm excited because it's being taught by four professors, most of which are in science related programs (engineering, statistics and actuarial science, physics, and English). Pretty cool! I'm thinking maybe I can bring a friend too. Some of my classmates are going, so it'll be cool.

Make My - The Roots ft. Big KRIT

Job 8-10 today.

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