I’m on the coach bus going home now and having a nice time
of reflection by myself. I have been spoiled – getting rides from friends and
family until now. Finally it’s the end of the term and I’m taking the bus home.
This is good, I miss having personal alone time. It gives me time to think and
enjoy my own presence.
This term has gone by really quickly. It was only yesterday
that I finished my last exam and at that point it seemed like things escalated
very quickly. I knew that the term was ending all along, but I had so many back
to back final exams that I had no time to waste thinking about my preparations
for what comes next. What I would be doing after exams, how I would get home,
what I would do during my one week off before I start working.
I almost lost motivation to study for my last exam. It seemed
like I wasn't absorbing anything and that everything was going in one ear and
out the other. I stressed myself out thinking that I wouldn't be able to retain
any information and that made studying even worse. I was studying with my
classmates, and they helped me by talking out the concepts with me, bouncing
our ideas back and forth. It was good. After that, I went home to study since
the building I was studying in closed, and my friends moved their study party
to someone else’s place. I ended up just skipping to doing practice exam
questions and slept at 3 am. I woke up around 10:30 the next morning and
reviewed the concepts, going through the notes I made one last time. Then, I
went to my exam at 12:30, feeling ready to face whatever the monster was, trying
to put myself in a good calm mood for the exam. It went well, I feel. I knew
how to answer most of the questions based on the concepts I learned and the
application questions just became logical answers (I hope). And at 3 pm, it was
over. No more exams! Our class took a class photo and then we said our goodbyes
and went our separate ways.
Then it seemed like everything else started catching up
quickly. Was I going to go home that night? Was I going to hang out with some
of my closer friends one last time before leaving? Would I have time to say
goodbye to my graduating friends? I needed time to cool off and relax from the
exams, but I also needed to get organized and figure out my game plan before
work started.
So I decided to go home today. Last night I ended up just
having dinner and watching a movie with some of my classmates, pretty much the
design group I got paired up with this term. It was a good term. This term I
feel like I got to know a lot of my classmates a lot better. Instead of just
going to class and leaving right away or studying on my own, or hanging out
with other people, I spent more time investing in the people in my class. I
made some new friends (because of our design project) and I really like them. I
am really glad that I got the opportunity to get to know them better, and I can
end this term feeling happy. I got closer to my friends that I had made
previously, but I also met some cool people and got to know them a bit too. I
can’t wait for more. I also can’t believe that this term is over already. I
feel like I just got to know my classmates and now we are separated again.
But I feel like that’s the beauty of coop. You don’t get to
appreciate your friends and really cherish the time you spend with them until
you realize that the time you have together is short. Next term, I am going to
go into it strong, and open to meeting the other people in my class. I have
been very shy and kept to myself up until now, but I see that there are
benefits in making friends with new people. It makes me happy. It makes me like
school a bit more. It makes me have hope that our class will become closer as
we move up into the later years of our university career. I want to make sure
that I graduate knowing that I have friends all around doing different things,
and maybe someday I will see them again and see how far they've gone. I love
that. Meeting somebody I haven’t seen in a long time. You get to see how they've changed, learn about their life experiences, and just awe at how far they've come. I wonder what we’ll all be doing in 10, 20, 30 years from now. Maybe we
will even end up working together, or see each other at conferences and
business trips. That’s what will make those events more special - seeing a
familiar face. So I will go make friends in hopes that we will see each other
where we don’t expect, to create more of those happy-but-unexpected encounters.
I really started to understand that being in the engineering
program is mostly all about helping each other out. You can’t get through this
program without team work. The best way to make it through is to make it through
together. Everyone has the same goals – to pass the course. Everyone has
different ways of learning and different perspectives of concepts. Talking
about it together helps others to understand. Working together doesn't always
mean that it is going to be distracting, or not as productive. It means that
everyone needs to participate, that everyone gains from someone else’s
strengths. I am going to go to study parties with my classmates next term. I didn't do that much this term because I thought that I’d be okay on my own, but
I realized that I am only scraping by and that it’s been really hard doing it
on my own. It’s okay to ask for help. I realized that my classmates are more
than happy and willing to explain concepts to me as it helps them solidify their
knowledge too. I thought that I would be dragging them down and I’d have too
many “stupid” questions, but nope. They aren't like that at all and for that I
am thankful. It was even good that there were a few things that I could
contribute to them too. So it was mutual and I didn't have to feel bad about
bothering them.
I’m just really happy right now at how this term turned out.
I hope that we all passed the term so that I can see my friends again in four
On another note, I am excited for this upcoming term! There
are so many things I want to do while I’m finally free from studying and some
of my friends are finally coming back so I will get to see them too! Ahh I am
going to enjoy university life.
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