Monday, April 22, 2013


People talk about it. They warn you ahead of time so you don't go through what they had to go through. But there's no escaping it. Freshman 15 didn't get you? Well wait until second year. It will catch up to you then.

It is a sad reality I have come to face. I was weary of gaining the freshman 15 so I was careful in my diet. But this year, I have started to relax and let go of my better eating habits. I started eating out more, drinking beer, eating cookies and chips. I stopped going swimming 3 times a week like I did while in first year, and now I only know what exercise is once every ski trip of the year.

Ugh. I thought I could hide from it by wearing looser clothing.. but summer is finally on the edge of rising and although Mother Nature has been really nice in trying to help me buy some time with all this crazy weather, I know that the time has come for me to get off my butt and exercise. I need to do something and I need to eat healthier. I no longer have the excuse not to care because I am cramming for exams. Time to lose the fat. This is scary because I've never had this problem before... but I realized that my metabolism has already slowed down and the fat is catching up. I need to stop gorging and midnight-snacking.. So sad.........

At the same time this is a good change. This will be good for me because overeating is a luxury that I do not need. Why am I buying into this North American consumerism accepting everything business? Stop. They just want money. A lot of people are now trying to be more "accepting" of people's body images... but is it getting out of hand and to the point where people are just using that as an excuse to become lazy? Perhaps having an "image" of what a healthy body should look like (not the crazy thin-but-gorgeous women in magazines) is actually a good thing. It will promote health and not laziness.

I do not have an "I'm not skinny enough" issue. I have an "I'm not healthy" issue. And that is what is most important. So here is the start to my journey of healthy eating and exercising. I hate exercise because it's dull and boring. I have no motivation at the gym because I don't know how to use more than half the machines and I'm afraid to look stupid because I can't lift the minimum weights available (20lbs). Then there are sports, where you need to find a group of people who want to play it at the same time as you and who don't mind me shouting and getting really worked up while we play. Then there's the individual sports, which I claim to play - swimming, snowboarding, etc. I do those, yes... but very rarely. I enjoy sports, I enjoy being active, but I do not enjoy the preparations, the doing-it-by-myself-ness, or the pain that comes the next day. But I am just making excuses and should just get off my butt.

How will I do this? Well, I will start by walking whenever I can. Since I'm on my work term, I'll have plenty of time after work to walk to and from places. I will not take the bus from home to campus, or to someone's place. I will not take the bus to meet someone unless it's raining. I will walk. If I refuse to go to the gym to exercise, and if no one wants to play sports with me, I will walk because it is necessary and I enjoy walking. I will also cut down on wing and beer nights, and not snack or eat more than I should unless it's a special occasion. It will help me save money too. That will be the start for now. If I can't trim it, I can at least start by stopping its growth.

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