Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Proverbs 10 is the start of the second half of the book of Proverbs. This contains all the proverbs in a poetic kind of structure. I'm still trying to think of how to best read this, but so far I am going to stick to reading one chapter a day. Each verse is a different proverb, but it feels like the underlying message of all the proverbs is the same. This chapter mostly talks about the differences between the wise and the simple, the righteous and the wicked, the diligent and the lazy, about what happens to them and why.

One of the words I had to look up was dissension, which means a 'disagreement leading to a quarrel', as dictionary.com suggests. This is in verse 12, "Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs". I like this because of the way dictionary.com defines a quarrel; it says it is a 'temporary or permanent break in friendly relations'. I find this to be very true. When you don't like someone, you're bound to pick out the flaws and hurt them; whereas if you liked someone, you would look beyond their faults and still show love to them.

Unrelated blessing:

On Friday I went to my first prayer meeting (I couldn't go before because I was helping set up for fellowship which coincides in timing). I was glad that I went. My friend told us there was some difficulty in getting a visa into the country that Urbana will be held at and that it was pretty much impossible to convince the people who had the authority to grant this visa to arrange something. Then we all prayed in one voice, just specifically for this friend's problem, hoping that we'd all be able to go to Urbana without leaving anyone behind. Today, my friend was contacted by the visa people and they agreed to arrange an interview next week to talk about this visa application! Praise the Lord! We didn't think this was possible as the earliest time that the visa people told my friend was sometime in Feburary - way after the conference. I am so glad that our prayers for my friend were answered and that we were able to experience God working in our lives together. Our continual prayer is that the visa will be granted!

1 Peter 5:7 - Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Amazed - Lincoln Brewster

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