Sunday, March 4, 2012

Let Your Will Be Mine


"If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them." - James 4:17

This is the last verse of James 4, and a verse that I can strongly relate to. There are so many things that go wrong in this world, so much pain and suffering that I can't help but feel helpless thinking about it. Perhaps this doesn't just apply to me, but whenever I see something that I can do to help someone, or to improve a situation, I do my best to act. I feel this sense of responsibility to make things right, to comfort those who seem to need it, or even to just clean up a mess. I don't know why, but I feel like when something like this happens, it is God telling me what I should do. There have been some moments in my life where I have felt called by God to do something - it is a very strong feeling in my gut that urges me to do it, not letting my mind have peace until it has been accomplished.

There are so many situations where you can see something good that can be done, and the choice is yours whether or not you want to do it. But did you realize that it is a sin when you choose not to? This doesn't mean donating your whole pay check to a charity, but that if you are able, then you ought. If an old lady struggles to carry her groceries, if someone has dropped their wallet, or if someone got hurt, we should be there to help. Doesn't it make you feel unsettling when you are able but don't help someone clearly in need?

Sometimes I feel very disappointed in myself when I realize that I could have done something but walked away instead, or just stood and watched. What kind of follower of Jesus would I be? Didn't He serve others, didn't He heal the sick, and comfort the sad? He didn't have to, but He did. He didn't have to sacrifice Himself on the cross to save us - sinners in need of grace and mercy. But He did. So that is why there is such an urge, such a conviction in my heart do always do my best to be aware of people in need and to help them if I am able. I know that I can sometimes be very unaware or oblivious, but it's time to leave the comforts of my own world and get serving. - Love is the Movement, by Switchfoot

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