Wednesday, November 24, 2010

update on life nov. 24

Spanish - yes, it is now my main (not really) focus. yay. . focus of excitement!.. not really. but i am happy with the progress i am making. learning so many phrases and words... =) i feel good that i am actually learning stuff =)  ye go me.  mostly cauz its so similar to french hehe so i guess im kinda cheating, but there are differences in pronunciation and spelling, so yeap. no easy way out for me nop.

School - sigh, see how i separated spanish from school? it's because i actually like that kind of learning. School is okay too i guess, learning isn't bad. I find most of the stuff interesting, and if not (english), then oh well. i'll live. . . i find that my problem is after a certain point of trying to understand something, my brain goes into off mode, into a mode where i desperately need a break from the subject. This would be nice, because usually, when i can't solve a problem, i do something else to take my mind off it and then when i go back to it later and start on a blank sheet of (the back of old) papers, i can solve it. just. like. that. the problem is, that most of the time i either can't get myself to stop thinking about it, so i get no break and my head just hurts more and more and starts going into panic mode because i can't solve it but i should be able to and then i force- shut down, and go to sleep. But even in my dreams, i am vigorously scribbling all over a chalkboard, intent on solving the problem. i cannot escape. sometimes, i am concerned lol about my well being. hehe weird eh.  

i like french, chem, physics, and even math - although i struggle... i just need to take some time to review and read my notes. half the time, the questions im doing i dont know how to do because i dont have the equations.. which are in my notebook and i'm too lazy to look them up.. and then i just mess around with the variables lol until i get something that is totally wrong.  i do not like english. i took fiction. today we had a survey about our choice of taking fiction / non fiction and what we thought about it blah blah... and i said i think i chose the wrong one lol.. and i was kinda paranoid at first about the teacher realising that it was me who wrote it (it was anon) but still.. she might recognise my writing and i'd be even more screwed. but yeah i decided not to care since she had to look through like 23123 other surveys right? she wont know right?

i like tech, cauz we're doing autocad drawings now, and it's my favourite thing to do. =) i also learn more about what engineers and architects do. fun stuff.  i've had this teacher for the second year now, third class with him lol hes awesome. it's like having a spare with computer privileges and sink etc. we're allowed to (or i do anyway) eat in class, drink stuff, listen to music, watch stuff on youtube, facebook, check email, do other hwk, he doesnt care. =D so awesome. he'll only care if you're playing starcraft or cs  full screen and you're shouting to your friends that are playing lan with you. or if the vp/p walk by..... eeep.

health: this includes what i eat, and exercise. food wise, i am doing okay, i could eat less junk/snack stuff... although... mmm i can't lol. the "junk" food isn't that bad though.. it has ... nuts.. and oats.. and stuff... =D ... and fruit... and mmm... lol ... okay yeah lots of sugar, but still... i need the energy . not to worry about getting diabetes. i also drink a lot of fluids, so thats good. mmm did you hear how taking a shower with warm then cold then warm water strengthens your immune system? well i don't know if it's working on me, but it seems like i have no choice lol. i don't know what's wrong with my shower, seriously. My dad tampered with it a bit, and set the hot water a bit lower so that we'd use less gas to heat up the water. So sometimes, i dont have to turn any cold water on. So i dont. and then i freeze. but its only hot water. and i cant turn any cold water down because it is all the way down. already. so. i . freeze. and shower in cold water... until the warm water decides it would like to join me... and i feel good..... for a while, until it decides it's time to strengthen my immune system again.... so the hot water goes on and off......... on it's own....... against my will...... and i can do nothing. I told my parents about it. they said it didn't and never happens to them (except when im showering at the same time, or someone flushes). so it must just be me right? i dont know! i tried turning the hot water up, but it doesn't work. It's like someone started doing laundry when they found out i was taking a shower. lol . but  my parents wouldn't do that to me. unless they didn't know i was taking a shower. .. . . . anyway long section on health eh hehe.  exercise! i try to do this more often... take kyra for longer walks @ the park, run around with her and play etc.. sometimes i'd just run in my basement... and yessssss my arm muscles are coming along nicely... =) awesomeee i just neeed them to be slightly more bulgy... so that when i flex.. they'll be more than a vague lump.

kyra: i love her. she's so adorable. i love the way she sits at the door and barks impatiently, telling me to hurry up and come in so she can then jump on me and lick my face. <3 that's what i look forward to when coming home. Seeing my lovely little lady cross one arm over the other when lying down infront of the heater, or under the patch of sunlight shining down through the sun roof (is that just for a car? i forgot the term for in the house). she knows how to get my slippers, and she doesn't mix it up with my mom/dad's slippers either. she's such a smartie. she'll get my socks too, except they usually end up with holes in them after a while. hehe. she hasnt really been eating all of her meal recently especially for breakfast. she won't eat unless we're eating with her (in the same room). such a silly girl. sometimes she'll put her head on my lap and look lovingly up into my eyes.....and then ask for food.  that she can't have... because it's mine. and she hasnt eaten her own food!

sleep: so i've been sleeping just a bit past my self set bedtime (12) and..... i've been waking up at 8:15, 8:20, and 8:25 these few days (school days). BUT the funny thing is, i've still be either ontime, early, or just a tad late. =D awesomeeeeeeeeeee. my eng teacher started this thing called "the late club" lol anyway, starting next class, everyone/anyone who comes in late (this is first period) gets a detention!!!!!! yeahh i think im automatically on that list. just keep me there. you'll be seeing less of me going home early and more of me in class! yeah..  prob a good thing since i'll be able to do work. it's kinda hard to concentrate at home. so many distractions and unwanted noise. i must sleep more. part of the reason why i feel tired all day is because i need exactly 8 hours of sleep every night. or i will feeel like a zombie all day long. the good thing about sleeping is that i dont have to close my eyes. my brain automatically goes into this peaceful "sleep" mode, but not shut down. and after say 10-20 mins of just lying there, i can get up and feel totally refreshed.

other stuff: crosswords, still doing them... lol ...... guitar.. mmm i need to practise more.. got 3 performances/shows coming upppp eeeek! i need to get some better sounds on my pedal D= but i have no idea what to get. i dont have time/dont make time to go and try them all out.. and im noob to this pedal stuff so i have no idea what to look for!!@!. piano, i havent practised a lot recently, just play around.. not real practise sigh.. ugh .. aslkdslakjd 

spiritual: im reading 2 samuel now... lol pretty interesting, i learned about so many more events and stories that i didn't know about. and more about the people, and what it was like at that time, and about what God did , and how He is.

books: i'm going through books like crazy. i put lots on hold, and they all come at one time in truckloads. i'm not kidding. and each time i go to the library my eyes automatically fall on to covers of interesting books, and stuff that i feel like i want to read.. and i go pick them all up and read about it etc etc and then i end up borrowing another cart full. then i have 3 weeks to read them all, and then i try to renew the ones i havent read yet and then i read the ones that i couldnt renew first, then go through the rest of the pile. right now i have one more novel to read, and then two guitar books, and one PreCalc for dummies book... lol yes. i am a dummy. so im reading it .. and it's so much more helpful than going to class. lol its easier when i get a different perspective, different words to teach me the same thing. easier to comprehend. it is a book for dummies afterall. what a smart idea. the only problem is that when i try to do more complicated problems, the book isn't of much help! i must rely on my brain more. and think. thinking = head hurts = more intelligent me = happy i finally solved it = move on to next problem = headache again

university: got our pin #s. okay. i log on to ouac. okay. what do i apply to?!!!!! i dont know. well i do. maybe. lol . probably all engineering. i dont know what else i could apply for.. lol and i do like it. although i preefer doing just drafting (autocad) and hands on stuff... (probably better if there was like a place i could go to just learn that.. instead of well.. i do like doing problems and calculations and stuff.. sigh and understanding why this is this and why that makes this and can also be this, but not this. and this is the exception etc. i still have one month to decide i think, so no rush, but i must decide soon!!!!!!!!!

other: again.. well  last night, the sky was really clear when i took kyra out to pee... in my pjs (sweats and t shirt) and i had forgotten to wear my jacket so i was freezing but good thing kyra peed quickly. i saw so many beautiful stars. today, afterschool.. i came home and my house was gone. actually no. it was still there.. but all the pots and plants and everything were gone. i was so shocked.  many thoughts ran through my head: did someone steal all this? who would do this? what happened omg what hte heck..  and then i went inside and i asked my dad if he knew what happened (hes the one who planted everything and stuff, he really likes gardening and floweers etc) and hes like yeah i know.. .your mom.. did some.... cleaning... lol... and im like ! more like she got rid of everythingggggggg ahhhhh my poor dad. im going to miss not being able to find the path to my front door anymore... and and having to walk carefully around the plants and being careful not to step on anything or trip over anything... D=  sigh. it doesnt look like my house with out all the clutter of plant pots. this reminds me, i need to clean my room!!!

yesterday: my friend and i went to mcdonalds and we got some free coffee. lol it was my friend's first time ordering coffee  and so the guy was like " how do you like it?" and shes so cute lol she said " i dont know, i've never had it before" and the guys like "?? .. noo.. how do you want it?"   she said " umm..? good? i guess? i dont really know...." and the guy looked at me.. lol and i said to her " do you want sugar? cream? how much?" and shes like " cream? " to the guy and hes like okay. lol so funny.. dahaha and while he was getting our drinks i explained to her "single single" "double double" and what he meant by "how do you like it" hehe silly girl.

okay wow i wrote a lot. lol gotta get back to work! whatever that is!!!!!! wheee

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