Friday, November 19, 2010

Internet Connection

sucks. I'm with Rogers and these past few weeks have been nothing but a series of many disconnections and reconnections and disconnections. Seriously, when I'm trying to use the internet, I can never be sure if the next page will load - but I always expect it to - and then it doesn't - and then I have to wait - then it still doesnt load - then I recheck the connection - then it says I'm not connected, but I was just connected - and then I have to reconnect it - and then I have to troubleshoot because it doesn't reconnect - and then yeah probably because I'm using wireless connection. The worst part is when I'm listening to music through streaming; one moment I'm singing along to the song, the next, I am singing accapella. and then after I diagnose the problem (as shown above, in the timeline) the song has already changed. Maybe I'm getting in the way of the rays and they can't penetrate through my body because I'm so tough! and my electrons are so close together (yeee muscles). haha kidding. but seriously. muscles. mmm.

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