Today, I went to use the public restroom. As I saw the toilet paper was out, I could see there was some hanging down from the other stall. As I went to grab it, I felt a hand grab mine and a voice ask seductively, "what were you reaching for?" FML
Today, I was taking off my underwear to change into fresh clothes. Pulling them down, I realize there's a big fat spider in them. Not only did I have a spider chilling with my genitals the whole day, but I'm deathly afraid of them. FML
ewwww D=
Today, I spent an hour at work trying to make a tortoise poo. When he finally did, I was so excited and felt pretty triumphant. Then I realized that my job was to make animals drop their load. FML
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Galatians 5:21-24
For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.
1 John 4:20-21
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
mmm so good. the ones im eating now are really good!!! they contain oatmeal, pumpkin seeds, and other cookie stuff. the reason why these taste so good is because they have oatmeal and pumpkin seeds in them ... and although they are not perfectly shaped, they are so goodddddd...... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm rahh
Monday, November 29, 2010
Avocado makes me wanna puke. When I eat it, whether it is in the form of a milkshake, a dessert, or just plain avocado(with honey), it makes me wanna puke. The texture is just asking for it. The taste is just... not there for me. Sorry avocado.
Last night my dog woke me up by gagging, followed by puking... all over my carpeted bedroom floor. Awesome. I jumped out of bed and started to clean it up. This had happened before- only she was trying to eat plant leaves. As I was cleaning it up (by the way, it was 3ish in the morning), she went downstairs to the main floor and puked..... again... on another rug. D= right next to the hardwood floor.... then i had to lock her up in the washroom so that if she puked, it'd be easier to clean. Then i went to sleep... only to be kept awake by her crying and whining. =/ I already gave her some water to drink if she needed, and wiped her mouth. poor girl. stupid dog. sighhhh i got no sleep last night.
Last night my dog woke me up by gagging, followed by puking... all over my carpeted bedroom floor. Awesome. I jumped out of bed and started to clean it up. This had happened before- only she was trying to eat plant leaves. As I was cleaning it up (by the way, it was 3ish in the morning), she went downstairs to the main floor and puked..... again... on another rug. D= right next to the hardwood floor.... then i had to lock her up in the washroom so that if she puked, it'd be easier to clean. Then i went to sleep... only to be kept awake by her crying and whining. =/ I already gave her some water to drink if she needed, and wiped her mouth. poor girl. stupid dog. sighhhh i got no sleep last night.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
dancers? what? who are you? - hes so funny lolll i like how he says "usser" instead of "usher" + his expression is too funny. but how dare he insult Usher!!! D= he can sooo dance. D= its not badd ....takes a while to get into more dancing.. prob around 2:30? ish..
actutally.. maybe it's Ne-yo that dances better LOL i dunno!
i have a thing for confusing two (very different) people with each other... like these two teachers@ my school.. lol total giant age gap..... but they both have a big build.... and both same race (i know, D=) and yeah llol maybe its just that i havent had any of them teach me before so i can't tell them apart. hehe.. theres also other people (none other that come to mind right now) but yeah i always do that >< mix two people who don't look alike at all (to other people) together. - asian kid dancing hiphop.. i love how he says "michael jickson!" his dance is a bit inappropriate for his age lol.. but hes so cute hahahaa D= its not badd ....takes a while to get into more dancing.. prob around 2:30? ish..
actutally.. maybe it's Ne-yo that dances better LOL i dunno!
i have a thing for confusing two (very different) people with each other... like these two teachers@ my school.. lol total giant age gap..... but they both have a big build.... and both same race (i know, D=) and yeah llol maybe its just that i havent had any of them teach me before so i can't tell them apart. hehe.. theres also other people (none other that come to mind right now) but yeah i always do that >< mix two people who don't look alike at all (to other people) together. - asian kid dancing hiphop.. i love how he says "michael jickson!" his dance is a bit inappropriate for his age lol.. but hes so cute hahahaa
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Little Kids are so Cute - 4 yr old hiphop on Ellen - 6 yr old rapper on Ellen - lil breaker on Ellen - 7yr old breaker on Ellen - planet bboy on Ellen
i find cute little kids on Ellen - 6 yr old rapper on Ellen - lil breaker on Ellen - 7yr old breaker on Ellen - planet bboy on Ellen
i find cute little kids on Ellen
What Happened to my Neighbours?
My neighbour had a broken garage. For about 2 years? or more, I don't know. They had their handle broken or something and instead, they had a giant hole. it was a rough square shaped hole... with like metal sticking out of it (did they try to cut out the square?) Anyway, so to prevent people from seeing this hole, which would allow them to open their garage and steal whatever was inside, they leaned a foldable chair over the hole.... and eventually, the fabric on the chair got destroyed (probably by weather/animals) and they had like just the bare bones of the chair covering the hole. When they wanted to open their garage, they would just move the chair somewhere, and then put their hand through the hole and lift!
Last week, there was a lot of commotion going on at their place and they had a garage replaced. It is now new and nice and stuff. The company left some long pieces of metal leaning against our house -.- .... so .. recently, I haven't seen my neighbours, and I've been seeing more of (their friends? relatives? who are they?) their people (not to be racist, but they're brown). But I have seen both my neighbours and the other people at their house a couple of times... (i don't stalk them) and over these past few weeks, I haven't seen my neighbours at all. I've only seen these new people... I used to go to school with my neighbours (the kids...) and my mom used to chat with their mom (they used to work together) and .. stuff ... D= .. did they leave without telling us? are they on vacation and got some people to look after their house? why did they finally decide to fix their garage? whaat is going on!!!!? are we not good enough friends/neighbours for them to tell us that they (maybe) moved? The thing is, i still see their car there. I think it's their car anyway... maybe the new people have the same car? i should have taken note of their license plate before... sighh..
Last week, there was a lot of commotion going on at their place and they had a garage replaced. It is now new and nice and stuff. The company left some long pieces of metal leaning against our house -.- .... so .. recently, I haven't seen my neighbours, and I've been seeing more of (their friends? relatives? who are they?) their people (not to be racist, but they're brown). But I have seen both my neighbours and the other people at their house a couple of times... (i don't stalk them) and over these past few weeks, I haven't seen my neighbours at all. I've only seen these new people... I used to go to school with my neighbours (the kids...) and my mom used to chat with their mom (they used to work together) and .. stuff ... D= .. did they leave without telling us? are they on vacation and got some people to look after their house? why did they finally decide to fix their garage? whaat is going on!!!!? are we not good enough friends/neighbours for them to tell us that they (maybe) moved? The thing is, i still see their car there. I think it's their car anyway... maybe the new people have the same car? i should have taken note of their license plate before... sighh..
shopping? Food?!
I saw a giant gundam today. I wanna build one. lol
I went shopping today.. something I do very rarely. dalalalala...
I also went to Pmall lol. i had sushi from Japanese Express (upper level foodcourt). they have the best sushi ever. yesterday I had the spicy salmon rolls, and I also had the giant cream puff from Beard Papa's for the first time. SO GOOD (both sushi and cream puffs). For the sushi, they actually use the spicy salmon sauce. some places, just put hot sauce on it. what a rip. Today I had the deep fried shrimp roll - the best ever. It just melted in my mouth mmmmmmmm. I also tried the belgian waffles from the waffle place in the middle.. of the food court. I didn't like their waffle that much, it was the hard kind lol and I generally like it better when it just melts in my mouth (less chewing involved), but it was still tasty.
I went shopping today.. something I do very rarely. dalalalala...
I also went to Pmall lol. i had sushi from Japanese Express (upper level foodcourt). they have the best sushi ever. yesterday I had the spicy salmon rolls, and I also had the giant cream puff from Beard Papa's for the first time. SO GOOD (both sushi and cream puffs). For the sushi, they actually use the spicy salmon sauce. some places, just put hot sauce on it. what a rip. Today I had the deep fried shrimp roll - the best ever. It just melted in my mouth mmmmmmmm. I also tried the belgian waffles from the waffle place in the middle.. of the food court. I didn't like their waffle that much, it was the hard kind lol and I generally like it better when it just melts in my mouth (less chewing involved), but it was still tasty.
Trans-Siberian Orchestra? They are so cool.-
I especially like this one:
Your Love is a Song - Switchfoot -
I especially like this one:
Your Love is a Song - Switchfoot -
Friday, November 26, 2010
A Common Misconception
Koala "bears" are actually not bears. They are marsupials - which means they have pockets in their belly areas where they carry their young around; just like kangaroos. After it is big enough to leave the mommy's pouch (about 6 months), the joey (baby koala) rides on the mother's back until it is around 1 year old. Cool eh? I bet the Australians think we're stupid when we call them bears hahaha.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
update on life nov. 24
Spanish - yes, it is now my main (not really) focus. yay. . focus of excitement!.. not really. but i am happy with the progress i am making. learning so many phrases and words... =) i feel good that i am actually learning stuff =) ye go me. mostly cauz its so similar to french hehe so i guess im kinda cheating, but there are differences in pronunciation and spelling, so yeap. no easy way out for me nop.
School - sigh, see how i separated spanish from school? it's because i actually like that kind of learning. School is okay too i guess, learning isn't bad. I find most of the stuff interesting, and if not (english), then oh well. i'll live. . . i find that my problem is after a certain point of trying to understand something, my brain goes into off mode, into a mode where i desperately need a break from the subject. This would be nice, because usually, when i can't solve a problem, i do something else to take my mind off it and then when i go back to it later and start on a blank sheet of (the back of old) papers, i can solve it. just. like. that. the problem is, that most of the time i either can't get myself to stop thinking about it, so i get no break and my head just hurts more and more and starts going into panic mode because i can't solve it but i should be able to and then i force- shut down, and go to sleep. But even in my dreams, i am vigorously scribbling all over a chalkboard, intent on solving the problem. i cannot escape. sometimes, i am concerned lol about my well being. hehe weird eh.
i like french, chem, physics, and even math - although i struggle... i just need to take some time to review and read my notes. half the time, the questions im doing i dont know how to do because i dont have the equations.. which are in my notebook and i'm too lazy to look them up.. and then i just mess around with the variables lol until i get something that is totally wrong. i do not like english. i took fiction. today we had a survey about our choice of taking fiction / non fiction and what we thought about it blah blah... and i said i think i chose the wrong one lol.. and i was kinda paranoid at first about the teacher realising that it was me who wrote it (it was anon) but still.. she might recognise my writing and i'd be even more screwed. but yeah i decided not to care since she had to look through like 23123 other surveys right? she wont know right?
i like tech, cauz we're doing autocad drawings now, and it's my favourite thing to do. =) i also learn more about what engineers and architects do. fun stuff. i've had this teacher for the second year now, third class with him lol hes awesome. it's like having a spare with computer privileges and sink etc. we're allowed to (or i do anyway) eat in class, drink stuff, listen to music, watch stuff on youtube, facebook, check email, do other hwk, he doesnt care. =D so awesome. he'll only care if you're playing starcraft or cs full screen and you're shouting to your friends that are playing lan with you. or if the vp/p walk by..... eeep.
health: this includes what i eat, and exercise. food wise, i am doing okay, i could eat less junk/snack stuff... although... mmm i can't lol. the "junk" food isn't that bad though.. it has ... nuts.. and oats.. and stuff... =D ... and fruit... and mmm... lol ... okay yeah lots of sugar, but still... i need the energy . not to worry about getting diabetes. i also drink a lot of fluids, so thats good. mmm did you hear how taking a shower with warm then cold then warm water strengthens your immune system? well i don't know if it's working on me, but it seems like i have no choice lol. i don't know what's wrong with my shower, seriously. My dad tampered with it a bit, and set the hot water a bit lower so that we'd use less gas to heat up the water. So sometimes, i dont have to turn any cold water on. So i dont. and then i freeze. but its only hot water. and i cant turn any cold water down because it is all the way down. already. so. i . freeze. and shower in cold water... until the warm water decides it would like to join me... and i feel good..... for a while, until it decides it's time to strengthen my immune system again.... so the hot water goes on and off......... on it's own....... against my will...... and i can do nothing. I told my parents about it. they said it didn't and never happens to them (except when im showering at the same time, or someone flushes). so it must just be me right? i dont know! i tried turning the hot water up, but it doesn't work. It's like someone started doing laundry when they found out i was taking a shower. lol . but my parents wouldn't do that to me. unless they didn't know i was taking a shower. .. . . . anyway long section on health eh hehe. exercise! i try to do this more often... take kyra for longer walks @ the park, run around with her and play etc.. sometimes i'd just run in my basement... and yessssss my arm muscles are coming along nicely... =) awesomeee i just neeed them to be slightly more bulgy... so that when i flex.. they'll be more than a vague lump.
kyra: i love her. she's so adorable. i love the way she sits at the door and barks impatiently, telling me to hurry up and come in so she can then jump on me and lick my face. <3 that's what i look forward to when coming home. Seeing my lovely little lady cross one arm over the other when lying down infront of the heater, or under the patch of sunlight shining down through the sun roof (is that just for a car? i forgot the term for in the house). she knows how to get my slippers, and she doesn't mix it up with my mom/dad's slippers either. she's such a smartie. she'll get my socks too, except they usually end up with holes in them after a while. hehe. she hasnt really been eating all of her meal recently especially for breakfast. she won't eat unless we're eating with her (in the same room). such a silly girl. sometimes she'll put her head on my lap and look lovingly up into my eyes.....and then ask for food. that she can't have... because it's mine. and she hasnt eaten her own food!
sleep: so i've been sleeping just a bit past my self set bedtime (12) and..... i've been waking up at 8:15, 8:20, and 8:25 these few days (school days). BUT the funny thing is, i've still be either ontime, early, or just a tad late. =D awesomeeeeeeeeeee. my eng teacher started this thing called "the late club" lol anyway, starting next class, everyone/anyone who comes in late (this is first period) gets a detention!!!!!! yeahh i think im automatically on that list. just keep me there. you'll be seeing less of me going home early and more of me in class! yeah.. prob a good thing since i'll be able to do work. it's kinda hard to concentrate at home. so many distractions and unwanted noise. i must sleep more. part of the reason why i feel tired all day is because i need exactly 8 hours of sleep every night. or i will feeel like a zombie all day long. the good thing about sleeping is that i dont have to close my eyes. my brain automatically goes into this peaceful "sleep" mode, but not shut down. and after say 10-20 mins of just lying there, i can get up and feel totally refreshed.
other stuff: crosswords, still doing them... lol ...... guitar.. mmm i need to practise more.. got 3 performances/shows coming upppp eeeek! i need to get some better sounds on my pedal D= but i have no idea what to get. i dont have time/dont make time to go and try them all out.. and im noob to this pedal stuff so i have no idea what to look for!!@!. piano, i havent practised a lot recently, just play around.. not real practise sigh.. ugh .. aslkdslakjd
spiritual: im reading 2 samuel now... lol pretty interesting, i learned about so many more events and stories that i didn't know about. and more about the people, and what it was like at that time, and about what God did , and how He is.
books: i'm going through books like crazy. i put lots on hold, and they all come at one time in truckloads. i'm not kidding. and each time i go to the library my eyes automatically fall on to covers of interesting books, and stuff that i feel like i want to read.. and i go pick them all up and read about it etc etc and then i end up borrowing another cart full. then i have 3 weeks to read them all, and then i try to renew the ones i havent read yet and then i read the ones that i couldnt renew first, then go through the rest of the pile. right now i have one more novel to read, and then two guitar books, and one PreCalc for dummies book... lol yes. i am a dummy. so im reading it .. and it's so much more helpful than going to class. lol its easier when i get a different perspective, different words to teach me the same thing. easier to comprehend. it is a book for dummies afterall. what a smart idea. the only problem is that when i try to do more complicated problems, the book isn't of much help! i must rely on my brain more. and think. thinking = head hurts = more intelligent me = happy i finally solved it = move on to next problem = headache again
university: got our pin #s. okay. i log on to ouac. okay. what do i apply to?!!!!! i dont know. well i do. maybe. lol . probably all engineering. i dont know what else i could apply for.. lol and i do like it. although i preefer doing just drafting (autocad) and hands on stuff... (probably better if there was like a place i could go to just learn that.. instead of well.. i do like doing problems and calculations and stuff.. sigh and understanding why this is this and why that makes this and can also be this, but not this. and this is the exception etc. i still have one month to decide i think, so no rush, but i must decide soon!!!!!!!!!
other: again.. well last night, the sky was really clear when i took kyra out to pee... in my pjs (sweats and t shirt) and i had forgotten to wear my jacket so i was freezing but good thing kyra peed quickly. i saw so many beautiful stars. today, afterschool.. i came home and my house was gone. actually no. it was still there.. but all the pots and plants and everything were gone. i was so shocked. many thoughts ran through my head: did someone steal all this? who would do this? what happened omg what hte heck.. and then i went inside and i asked my dad if he knew what happened (hes the one who planted everything and stuff, he really likes gardening and floweers etc) and hes like yeah i know.. .your mom.. did some.... cleaning... lol... and im like ! more like she got rid of everythingggggggg ahhhhh my poor dad. im going to miss not being able to find the path to my front door anymore... and and having to walk carefully around the plants and being careful not to step on anything or trip over anything... D= sigh. it doesnt look like my house with out all the clutter of plant pots. this reminds me, i need to clean my room!!!
yesterday: my friend and i went to mcdonalds and we got some free coffee. lol it was my friend's first time ordering coffee and so the guy was like " how do you like it?" and shes so cute lol she said " i dont know, i've never had it before" and the guys like "?? .. noo.. how do you want it?" she said " umm..? good? i guess? i dont really know...." and the guy looked at me.. lol and i said to her " do you want sugar? cream? how much?" and shes like " cream? " to the guy and hes like okay. lol so funny.. dahaha and while he was getting our drinks i explained to her "single single" "double double" and what he meant by "how do you like it" hehe silly girl.
okay wow i wrote a lot. lol gotta get back to work! whatever that is!!!!!! wheee
School - sigh, see how i separated spanish from school? it's because i actually like that kind of learning. School is okay too i guess, learning isn't bad. I find most of the stuff interesting, and if not (english), then oh well. i'll live. . . i find that my problem is after a certain point of trying to understand something, my brain goes into off mode, into a mode where i desperately need a break from the subject. This would be nice, because usually, when i can't solve a problem, i do something else to take my mind off it and then when i go back to it later and start on a blank sheet of (the back of old) papers, i can solve it. just. like. that. the problem is, that most of the time i either can't get myself to stop thinking about it, so i get no break and my head just hurts more and more and starts going into panic mode because i can't solve it but i should be able to and then i force- shut down, and go to sleep. But even in my dreams, i am vigorously scribbling all over a chalkboard, intent on solving the problem. i cannot escape. sometimes, i am concerned lol about my well being. hehe weird eh.
i like french, chem, physics, and even math - although i struggle... i just need to take some time to review and read my notes. half the time, the questions im doing i dont know how to do because i dont have the equations.. which are in my notebook and i'm too lazy to look them up.. and then i just mess around with the variables lol until i get something that is totally wrong. i do not like english. i took fiction. today we had a survey about our choice of taking fiction / non fiction and what we thought about it blah blah... and i said i think i chose the wrong one lol.. and i was kinda paranoid at first about the teacher realising that it was me who wrote it (it was anon) but still.. she might recognise my writing and i'd be even more screwed. but yeah i decided not to care since she had to look through like 23123 other surveys right? she wont know right?
i like tech, cauz we're doing autocad drawings now, and it's my favourite thing to do. =) i also learn more about what engineers and architects do. fun stuff. i've had this teacher for the second year now, third class with him lol hes awesome. it's like having a spare with computer privileges and sink etc. we're allowed to (or i do anyway) eat in class, drink stuff, listen to music, watch stuff on youtube, facebook, check email, do other hwk, he doesnt care. =D so awesome. he'll only care if you're playing starcraft or cs full screen and you're shouting to your friends that are playing lan with you. or if the vp/p walk by..... eeep.
health: this includes what i eat, and exercise. food wise, i am doing okay, i could eat less junk/snack stuff... although... mmm i can't lol. the "junk" food isn't that bad though.. it has ... nuts.. and oats.. and stuff... =D ... and fruit... and mmm... lol ... okay yeah lots of sugar, but still... i need the energy . not to worry about getting diabetes. i also drink a lot of fluids, so thats good. mmm did you hear how taking a shower with warm then cold then warm water strengthens your immune system? well i don't know if it's working on me, but it seems like i have no choice lol. i don't know what's wrong with my shower, seriously. My dad tampered with it a bit, and set the hot water a bit lower so that we'd use less gas to heat up the water. So sometimes, i dont have to turn any cold water on. So i dont. and then i freeze. but its only hot water. and i cant turn any cold water down because it is all the way down. already. so. i . freeze. and shower in cold water... until the warm water decides it would like to join me... and i feel good..... for a while, until it decides it's time to strengthen my immune system again.... so the hot water goes on and off......... on it's own....... against my will...... and i can do nothing. I told my parents about it. they said it didn't and never happens to them (except when im showering at the same time, or someone flushes). so it must just be me right? i dont know! i tried turning the hot water up, but it doesn't work. It's like someone started doing laundry when they found out i was taking a shower. lol . but my parents wouldn't do that to me. unless they didn't know i was taking a shower. .. . . . anyway long section on health eh hehe. exercise! i try to do this more often... take kyra for longer walks @ the park, run around with her and play etc.. sometimes i'd just run in my basement... and yessssss my arm muscles are coming along nicely... =) awesomeee i just neeed them to be slightly more bulgy... so that when i flex.. they'll be more than a vague lump.
kyra: i love her. she's so adorable. i love the way she sits at the door and barks impatiently, telling me to hurry up and come in so she can then jump on me and lick my face. <3 that's what i look forward to when coming home. Seeing my lovely little lady cross one arm over the other when lying down infront of the heater, or under the patch of sunlight shining down through the sun roof (is that just for a car? i forgot the term for in the house). she knows how to get my slippers, and she doesn't mix it up with my mom/dad's slippers either. she's such a smartie. she'll get my socks too, except they usually end up with holes in them after a while. hehe. she hasnt really been eating all of her meal recently especially for breakfast. she won't eat unless we're eating with her (in the same room). such a silly girl. sometimes she'll put her head on my lap and look lovingly up into my eyes.....and then ask for food. that she can't have... because it's mine. and she hasnt eaten her own food!
sleep: so i've been sleeping just a bit past my self set bedtime (12) and..... i've been waking up at 8:15, 8:20, and 8:25 these few days (school days). BUT the funny thing is, i've still be either ontime, early, or just a tad late. =D awesomeeeeeeeeeee. my eng teacher started this thing called "the late club" lol anyway, starting next class, everyone/anyone who comes in late (this is first period) gets a detention!!!!!! yeahh i think im automatically on that list. just keep me there. you'll be seeing less of me going home early and more of me in class! yeah.. prob a good thing since i'll be able to do work. it's kinda hard to concentrate at home. so many distractions and unwanted noise. i must sleep more. part of the reason why i feel tired all day is because i need exactly 8 hours of sleep every night. or i will feeel like a zombie all day long. the good thing about sleeping is that i dont have to close my eyes. my brain automatically goes into this peaceful "sleep" mode, but not shut down. and after say 10-20 mins of just lying there, i can get up and feel totally refreshed.
other stuff: crosswords, still doing them... lol ...... guitar.. mmm i need to practise more.. got 3 performances/shows coming upppp eeeek! i need to get some better sounds on my pedal D= but i have no idea what to get. i dont have time/dont make time to go and try them all out.. and im noob to this pedal stuff so i have no idea what to look for!!@!. piano, i havent practised a lot recently, just play around.. not real practise sigh.. ugh .. aslkdslakjd
spiritual: im reading 2 samuel now... lol pretty interesting, i learned about so many more events and stories that i didn't know about. and more about the people, and what it was like at that time, and about what God did , and how He is.
books: i'm going through books like crazy. i put lots on hold, and they all come at one time in truckloads. i'm not kidding. and each time i go to the library my eyes automatically fall on to covers of interesting books, and stuff that i feel like i want to read.. and i go pick them all up and read about it etc etc and then i end up borrowing another cart full. then i have 3 weeks to read them all, and then i try to renew the ones i havent read yet and then i read the ones that i couldnt renew first, then go through the rest of the pile. right now i have one more novel to read, and then two guitar books, and one PreCalc for dummies book... lol yes. i am a dummy. so im reading it .. and it's so much more helpful than going to class. lol its easier when i get a different perspective, different words to teach me the same thing. easier to comprehend. it is a book for dummies afterall. what a smart idea. the only problem is that when i try to do more complicated problems, the book isn't of much help! i must rely on my brain more. and think. thinking = head hurts = more intelligent me = happy i finally solved it = move on to next problem = headache again
university: got our pin #s. okay. i log on to ouac. okay. what do i apply to?!!!!! i dont know. well i do. maybe. lol . probably all engineering. i dont know what else i could apply for.. lol and i do like it. although i preefer doing just drafting (autocad) and hands on stuff... (probably better if there was like a place i could go to just learn that.. instead of well.. i do like doing problems and calculations and stuff.. sigh and understanding why this is this and why that makes this and can also be this, but not this. and this is the exception etc. i still have one month to decide i think, so no rush, but i must decide soon!!!!!!!!!
other: again.. well last night, the sky was really clear when i took kyra out to pee... in my pjs (sweats and t shirt) and i had forgotten to wear my jacket so i was freezing but good thing kyra peed quickly. i saw so many beautiful stars. today, afterschool.. i came home and my house was gone. actually no. it was still there.. but all the pots and plants and everything were gone. i was so shocked. many thoughts ran through my head: did someone steal all this? who would do this? what happened omg what hte heck.. and then i went inside and i asked my dad if he knew what happened (hes the one who planted everything and stuff, he really likes gardening and floweers etc) and hes like yeah i know.. .your mom.. did some.... cleaning... lol... and im like ! more like she got rid of everythingggggggg ahhhhh my poor dad. im going to miss not being able to find the path to my front door anymore... and and having to walk carefully around the plants and being careful not to step on anything or trip over anything... D= sigh. it doesnt look like my house with out all the clutter of plant pots. this reminds me, i need to clean my room!!!
yesterday: my friend and i went to mcdonalds and we got some free coffee. lol it was my friend's first time ordering coffee and so the guy was like " how do you like it?" and shes so cute lol she said " i dont know, i've never had it before" and the guys like "?? .. noo.. how do you want it?" she said " umm..? good? i guess? i dont really know...." and the guy looked at me.. lol and i said to her " do you want sugar? cream? how much?" and shes like " cream? " to the guy and hes like okay. lol so funny.. dahaha and while he was getting our drinks i explained to her "single single" "double double" and what he meant by "how do you like it" hehe silly girl.
okay wow i wrote a lot. lol gotta get back to work! whatever that is!!!!!! wheee
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
=D I have been inspired by Sesame Street to learn Spanish. I borrowed a spanish learning cd =D yeeaaah maan. Next is german cauz most engineers take german in uni. so i figure i should get a head start. awesomeee. im gonna be saying stuff like burchhhddeususutttt lol i dunno what that means i just made it up but yeahh!!!!!! wheee. sesame street is AWESOME!!!!!!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Thanks to Sesame Street, I am learning Spanish.
Te Quiero:
Muy grande, adios:
el alfabeto: omg grover's so cute "zetta, that's the only one i know!"
abierto, cerrado:
olga: (includes ogro, oceano, oso)
Te Quiero:
Muy grande, adios:
el alfabeto: omg grover's so cute "zetta, that's the only one i know!"
abierto, cerrado:
olga: (includes ogro, oceano, oso)
How Does Santa Get Down the Chimney?
The kids are so cute. And the puppet actors are so good with children. Way to keep it entertaining for older people who watch with their kiddies.
The kids are so cute. And the puppet actors are so good with children. Way to keep it entertaining for older people who watch with their kiddies.
Written Response
... for english, I have to write another personal response to some essay we read in class. This is going to be the second one, and I didn't do so well on the first one. Let's hope I learned what I did wrong in the other one and get a good mark on this. I need something to keep me focused. I haven't picked a side yet, and I have no points. Yay.. great way to start. I don't have anything better to blog about right now.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Lost the Drive
I just got back from band practise, and from T&T supermarket. I'm feeling a bit down cauz I don't feel like I have a reason to do anything anymore. Actually, I don't know what my reasons were to begin with. I don't think I really had much of a reason to do anything besides that doing stuff keeps my mind off other things, or just gives me something to do. I learned a bunch of new chords today, and I did it just because I needed to know them for some new songs we're playing... but I didn't feel much motivation. Maybe that's why it takes me forever to do things. Even things that I like. What does that mean anyway? I don't know if I actually like it, or if I'm doing it out of habit, or I'm just used to it. For example, I used to take swimming lessons up until bronze med. and after that I went on a 'break'. It's been 3 years, and I'm still on a 'break'. I haven't even considered continuing since like a year ago? maybe? because I wanted a job? I know there are some things that I do like for sure; snowboarding, hockey, reading, catching/killing bugs, playing with my dog, etc. What about guitar and piano? I do enjoy making music, but why does it seem like I don't want to practise? It takes me so long to start practising (unless I'm feeling musical, yes I have those moments) and it's not until I start playing that I'm enjoying it. Why can't I get myself to start practising? To want to practise? These are things that I like right? So wanting to or doing them shouldn't be a problem. I think I've lost the drive. I need a push or something. I feel like I'm stuck in the Calm Belt (allusion to One Piece) and I need a sea monster to carry me back to an ocean current.
I was thinking about all this when I was at T&T. I was looking around the bakery, on a mission to find something for breakfast. I noticed this creepy old asian man staring at me. So I stared back. And he wouldn't look away, what a creeper. So I just went the other way.
I think I'm just feeling empty, especially in the middle of me and I think, perhaps - that I'm just hungry.
I was thinking about all this when I was at T&T. I was looking around the bakery, on a mission to find something for breakfast. I noticed this creepy old asian man staring at me. So I stared back. And he wouldn't look away, what a creeper. So I just went the other way.
I think I'm just feeling empty, especially in the middle of me and I think, perhaps - that I'm just hungry.
Neil Patrick Harris
Also known as Barney from How I Met Your Mother =) so awesome
Also known as Barney from How I Met Your Mother =) so awesome
and yes, that is Sheldon from Big Bang Theory.
so cuteeeee <3
and yes, that is Sheldon from Big Bang Theory.
so cuteeeee <3
An App for That!
so modern. so innovative. i wanna work @ sesame street.
so modern. so innovative. i wanna work @ sesame street.
Mystery Solved
This morning, I decided to finally put some new tones into my pedal. I was supposed to have done this about three weeks ago... or perhaps even longer, but my memory doesn't go that far back. So anyway, last week, it took me a whole night to download and install GearBox (because I initially wanted Podfarm2 but it wouldn't work or I had some false info..) which is a program that will download some nice tones for me, then transfer them into my pedal. The great thing about Line 6 is that they provide this kind of free software for the hardware you buy. Anyway, I had a general idea of what kinds of tones I wanted, but there were so many of them that I got distracted and found myself clicking on wayyy tooo many tones - more than I could have. The other good thing about this program is that you can try out the tones on the spot. You have to simply plug in maybe 4-5 cords here and there and then hope that you connected them right - voila (insert accent)! Actually, it's not that hard since everything is labelled, but its a great big hassle to connect everything everytime I want to do something with my computer + pedal + guitar. Also sucks because I have to move everything from my room to another room because the computer in my room wasn't compatible with the soft/hardware etc. Long story short, I have to move everything to another room to do stuff. I was playing some random stuff when I noticed that strange feeling in my right thumb. I looked down and I saw the tiny little bump there, on the side of my thumb. On the side that I was sort of strumming the strings with. I caused my own finger to get a bump by playing without nails or a pick. How lovely. Yes, you read all that just to get to this hhahaa. =)
Friday, November 19, 2010
He Listens
Today I had to take the bus. I had to be at church at 5 for worship practise. I left the house at 4:20, hoping to catch the 4:24 bus. I looked up the schedule ahead of time and made sure that I left early, incase the bus came early. The bus stop is right across the street from my house (small street) so it only takes me one minute to grab my bag, lock the doors, and get to the bus stop. As I got to the bus stop, I waited and waited until it was just past 4:25. I always watch for the bus to come, so I noticed the bus turn in the direction away from my house.. (I live at the end where the bus loops around) and it was turning towards east rather than going west up (again, you'd understand if you can picture it). So anyway, I was going southbound... and so as soon as I saw the bus, I realised that I probably read the schedule wrong (and even if i didn't , there isnt anything i can do about it) so I ran to the closest stop where the bus would go (if it were to continue going east and loop back southbound). When I got to the crosslight (I needed to cross in order to get to that stop), the light was go, for me to cross, but I saw the bus schedule at the bus stop so I stopped to check it, to see if I should cross (incase it comes back and I'm stuck on the wrong side of the lights), and indeed, I needed to cross. So I turned around to cross, and the bus was there. At the stop. Across the street. And the light was red. I couldn't cross. So I did the next best thing - I ran to the next bus stop... thinking that I could beat the red light (since it needed to make a left turn, I was hoping that there would be a lot of cars going straight, delaying the turn) and get to the next stop before the bus did. I was wrong. I heard, then saw the bus pass me. I was 3 m away from the bus stop. So sad. So I jogged/walked to the next big intersection. The bus I missed would come every 15 mins, and I would have been late if i had to wait, plus I don't like waiting when I could be doing something. On my way, I said to God " God, please let there be a reason for me missing that bus and running etc." Then I crossed the street and got on a bus going west (my destination was South West from my house). When I got to the street that I'd need to switch busses to go South on, I sent a text to my friend who would be expecting me (since I was running a bit late) that I'd be late cauz I missed the bus. I got no reply... but I got on the bus, and guess who I saw inside? My friend. What do you know? God heard me and He cared. Thanks God! =)
I have a bump on my thumb. It's one of those bumps that you can feel, but you can't really see - at least I can't. I wonder where it came from. I can kind of see it now. It feels kinda hard, like a callous would feel... except it's an odd place to have a callous (on my right hand). I'd make more sense if it were on my left hand because playing guitar does that to your fingers, but why on my right thumb? It's such a weird spot. When I press down on it, it doesnt hurt, but it feels different. Ahhhhghhh. Why does it feel so strange... especially when I use it to press down on my index finger, like you would when using game controllers (xbox, ps3, etc even though I dont have one). adlksdjlskjs When I press down, I can see a little bump coming out the side of my thumb!!@!@! raah. Hopefully it'll go away soon.
So I'm eating oatmeal for breakfast. It's instant quaker stuff, so when I was making it, the powder stuff smelled so good (vanilla and strawberry) mmmmm like a milkshake! After I poured in the boiling water, I could smell it no more. so sad. Hopefully the smell will transfer to the taste. + I used milk. Have you ever had just boiling water to make hot chocolate? That stuff's nasty. It's like drinking a hot chocolate at tim horton's except they cover it so you can't tell its just hot water. But if you lift the lid up, you'll see some brown choco powder floating around, and if you swish it around so that the white foamy "milk" stuf moves away, you'll be able to see that it is just brown murky water underneath. It's in the taste. You can tell that it's not the real stuff (milk).
"Did you know" of the day:
Did you know that oatmeal makes you want to go #2? Fpr internet purposes, I will censor out the words I would usually use when speaking to people. Well, this was scientifically proven today by me. I hadn't eaten anything this morning (until oatmeal) and last night I'm pretty sure I went too too before I slept. Therefore, there should be nothing in my system except leftover bits and extracts that didn't quite make it last night. So I was saying, I hadn't even finished my oatmeal and I already feeel the need to go. It works that quickly!
"Did you know" of the day:
Did you know that oatmeal makes you want to go #2? Fpr internet purposes, I will censor out the words I would usually use when speaking to people. Well, this was scientifically proven today by me. I hadn't eaten anything this morning (until oatmeal) and last night I'm pretty sure I went too too before I slept. Therefore, there should be nothing in my system except leftover bits and extracts that didn't quite make it last night. So I was saying, I hadn't even finished my oatmeal and I already feeel the need to go. It works that quickly!
Internet Connection
sucks. I'm with Rogers and these past few weeks have been nothing but a series of many disconnections and reconnections and disconnections. Seriously, when I'm trying to use the internet, I can never be sure if the next page will load - but I always expect it to - and then it doesn't - and then I have to wait - then it still doesnt load - then I recheck the connection - then it says I'm not connected, but I was just connected - and then I have to reconnect it - and then I have to troubleshoot because it doesn't reconnect - and then yeah probably because I'm using wireless connection. The worst part is when I'm listening to music through streaming; one moment I'm singing along to the song, the next, I am singing accapella. and then after I diagnose the problem (as shown above, in the timeline) the song has already changed. Maybe I'm getting in the way of the rays and they can't penetrate through my body because I'm so tough! and my electrons are so close together (yeee muscles). haha kidding. but seriously. muscles. mmm.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
new song
so i'm supposed to learn a new song for band lol it's a chinese song called 灰色軌跡 by Beyond. Pretty cool song, also pretty depressing song. i need to play a solo part lol and its like crazyyyyyyy! what what! lol its gonna be so fun =) when i learn it. too bad i don't know what the lyrics are saying lol i know the general ish but yeah D= thats okay. maybe its better since its depressing haha don't want it to spread to me now! its a very fun song to background sing to .. or like make up little um .. fillers? slash harmonize stuff.. very very fun.
lol wow i write almost every 30 mins. sigh so adddictive!@!@!
lol wow i write almost every 30 mins. sigh so adddictive!@!@!
one piece
Best. anime/manga. ever. if you havent seen/read it yet, you should. It isn't completed yet, but it is the longest manga out there! and the best too! Too bad the author's taking a break this week =( I was looking forward to reading this week's chapter, but he needs a break! raah. I love how he develops each character and how he shows the growth of the crew as each character goes through different troubles while creating a super intensly exciting adventure for the rest of the crew. I love how the author thought up such incredible stories that carry so much meaning and depth. Sigh, if only we could write essays about One Piece instead of non-exciting things we are given at school. I would gladly point out the thesis and main ideas and all the rhetorical devices etc, and talk about the development of the characters in this awesome manga. Search up One Piece by Eiichiro Oda if you want to know more about it. =) Now if only I could read Japanese, then I'd get to understand better than just trusting the translators with his work.
[Truly my soul finds rest in God;
my salvation comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.]
[One thing God has spoken,
two things I have hearrd:
"Power belongs to you, God,
and with you, Lord, is unfailing love";
and, "You reward everyone
according to what they have done."]
- Psalm 62:1-2, 11-12
Today I learned that God is omniscient and omnipotent. This means he is all - knowing and all- powerful. God is love, and when you add up these three things together, we find that we can trust Him. His love means that He always wants what's best for us, his omniscience means he always knows what is best for us, and His omnipotence means he always does what is best for us.
Such an awesome reminder that we don't have to worry about our futures especially when we're applying for universities. Wherever we end up is whereever God has already planned for us to be, and that is what's best for us. We only have to trust in Him and do our best - leaving the rest up to God. I worry too much; whether or not I'll make it to university, how I'm going to find a job, and what choices to make, etc. When I actually think about all the unnecessary worrying I'm doing, and stop to let God handle it, it's like walking outside in the pouring rain - I feel relieved and refreshed.
[I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, 'My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.' From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that I will bring about; what I have planned, that I will do.] - Isaiah 46:10-11
God loves us so much, that he planned out the whole universe down to specific little things even smaller than electrons and protons. He tweaked everything just right - so that our world would exist, so that we would exist. He planned everything out for us, so that we wouldn't have to worry about it. No matter how much we screw up, God has a purpose and can turn it into a good thing. It's all part of His plan, we only have to follow. =)
my salvation comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.]
[One thing God has spoken,
two things I have hearrd:
"Power belongs to you, God,
and with you, Lord, is unfailing love";
and, "You reward everyone
according to what they have done."]
- Psalm 62:1-2, 11-12
Today I learned that God is omniscient and omnipotent. This means he is all - knowing and all- powerful. God is love, and when you add up these three things together, we find that we can trust Him. His love means that He always wants what's best for us, his omniscience means he always knows what is best for us, and His omnipotence means he always does what is best for us.
Such an awesome reminder that we don't have to worry about our futures especially when we're applying for universities. Wherever we end up is whereever God has already planned for us to be, and that is what's best for us. We only have to trust in Him and do our best - leaving the rest up to God. I worry too much; whether or not I'll make it to university, how I'm going to find a job, and what choices to make, etc. When I actually think about all the unnecessary worrying I'm doing, and stop to let God handle it, it's like walking outside in the pouring rain - I feel relieved and refreshed.
[I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, 'My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.' From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that I will bring about; what I have planned, that I will do.] - Isaiah 46:10-11
God loves us so much, that he planned out the whole universe down to specific little things even smaller than electrons and protons. He tweaked everything just right - so that our world would exist, so that we would exist. He planned everything out for us, so that we wouldn't have to worry about it. No matter how much we screw up, God has a purpose and can turn it into a good thing. It's all part of His plan, we only have to follow. =)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Fact of the Day
So I have an interest in spiders. well not really. more like how to kill them when I see them skuttling around my room, around the house, around places where they could potentially; fall into my food, drop onto my head, infront of my face, crawl into my mouth while i sleep, and the list goes on.
Fact of the day: The largest type of spider is called the Goliath Spider.
It makes sense when you think about it.
Fact of the day: The largest type of spider is called the Goliath Spider.
It makes sense when you think about it.
I suppose I should explain why I named my blog what it has been named. But nah, I don't really feel like revealing it now; it wouldn't be as exciting. What a waste of a post.
first blog?
this isn't my first time ever blogging, but it does feel weird. I used to blog - not anymore though - until now. it's like a time line!
I just dropped my pick. it blends in with my carpet even though my carpet is a nasty yellow and the pick is grey.
I think my blogs are better if i tweet but i dont want followers; they'd just get spammed.
I just dropped my pick. it blends in with my carpet even though my carpet is a nasty yellow and the pick is grey.
I think my blogs are better if i tweet but i dont want followers; they'd just get spammed.
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