Monday, November 25, 2013

2 Week Daze

It's been two weeks since I first started showing symptoms of being sick. I remember this because it was the day after my circuits midterm. Throughout the whole month of October, I have been slaving away to midterms, studying for hours and hours on end every day. I've been sleeping late trying to squeeze in as much work as I can, and trying to wake up early to make it to my morning classes. So far, I have been really good at staying up late to finish work, but really bad at waking up for classes. I always make the afternoon classes, but it's a hit and miss for those early ones. Never mind, I make up for that by studying every opportunity I get anyway. I end up learning most of the material on my own, from the textbook and from Google.

After my circuits midterm, I was less stressed. That was my last midterm for a while anyway. So I should have been getting proper rest after that right? No...

I realized how behind I was on all my other courses, as I stopped everything to study for my midterms one at a time. By focusing on just the one subject, I fell behind on the others, so I have been studying every moment that I have. So I've been fighting a cold. I started sneezing a lot and getting watery eyes and a runny nose and my friend I was studying with told me that I looked really bad. Then for the next few days, I drank lots of tea, water, took vitamins, and made soup. This started on a Tuesday. By Friday, I was no longer showing any symptoms. So I went to this conference in Toronto, and saw my family. I didn't get much sleep that weekend.

So it was a cycle. Weekdays I would be sick and power-up on vitamins. Weekends I would be better but still not sleep enough. Then I get sick again. But it didn't get so bad that I couldn't think. It was good enough that I could take medicine and feel completely better. But this week I'm still sniffling even though I took medicine and vitamins. It's getting harder for me to focus and I do not feel 100%.

So moral of the story (TL;DR); get your rest right away and don't party (ok I didn't party, but I just didn't sleep enough).

This weekend I took one day off. One FULL DAY without doing any school related work. I went to London to visit some friends and play in the snow. It was awesome. I came back, rested 12 hours, and now need to get completely better and POWER THROUGH FINALS.

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