Thursday, July 4, 2013

Cloudy Tension

I love the imagery in saying that you can "feel the tension in the clouds". I thought of that today as I was walking to the bus stop after work. It felt really heavy and humid out, the sky was grey but still light, and you could smell the oncoming rain. I think it's really cool that our human body has the ability to sense these kinds of things. I like that we have these sorts of instincts. To know when something is about to happen. To feel it in your bones. Some people may think that the word tension has a negative connotation to it, but I feel that this kind of tension is a good thing! I like it. It suggests that it is intense, and that something great is about to happen - like an intense downpour of rain!

I can relate this feeling of tension in the clouds to my preparation for missions. I feel like this whole term so far has been about that. Preparations. Building up slowly to the climax which is the mission itself. I am excited to see what God is going to pour down on me when I go! Perhaps this mission trip might make increase the tension for something even greater - who knows!

I have been learning a lot about time management and how precious time is through my busy schedule. There are so many things that I am involved in that I want to stay involved in but it takes a toll on my physical body. I've been feeling very tired lately, and I realized that I become more zombie-like earlier and earlier as the days go by. Although I am happily enjoying the activities I have going on; travelling from one place to another, meeting up with different people, planning events, just chilling, eating, etc., I also realize that I have been sacrificing proper rest to be able to accomplish so many things. 

To give a picture of how badly I really need this rest, I will describe what happened today. Today I had a bunch of things going on that I wanted to do. I had work and went straight to meet up with my club execs to plan out the coming weeks (as I will be away) and discuss exec things. After that, I was supposed to meet a friend to catch up on life. I had about a 45 minute gap between the two meetings, so I went home after the first meeting to pick up my laptop on my way to the second meeting. But when I got home, I realized that I still had about 15 minutes before I had to leave the house, so I set a timer for 10 minutes and decided to take a power nap. I woke up an hour later realizing that I was about an hour late to meet my friend! 

I totally passed out! I missed my alarm and everything. I already felt tired when I woke up this morning, and the tiredness came in waves every few hours. I guess this was a big wave. Anyway, I realized that I really need my rest (and I'm not doing a good job of it now, as it is quite late and I am here typing this) and also that if I didn't have that 1 hour nap then I wouldn't have been able to properly function and have a valuable meeting with my friend. Our conversation was really refreshing in that I learned a lot about how God has been working in her life and it gave me motivation for my mission. I am so glad that God has control in my and her life and that He knows what He is doing.

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