Friday, February 15, 2013

Rough Times are the Good Times

Sweet boys are sweet. Today the guys in my class gave out zip-lock bags with Hershey Kisses in them and a Valentine card to all the girls in my class. It was a really thoughtful and nice thing for them to do. Try to keep the girls in the class, haha.

Today I had a lot of stuff happening too. I woke up late, missed my morning class, but it was ok because I had back to back interviews during that time anyway, so I would have missed out either way. They just had presentations and my group already presented so it's all good. I locked myself out of my room too. My jacket was in my room, with my phone, keys, and wallet. I had my backpack with me and I was dressed for the interview. So I panicked for a few seconds, then borrowed a jacket from my housemate and went to school. My interviews went okay.

After class, we had a team meeting to finish up the written report for our group project. We had a good last team meeting and we even went out to dinner together, to celebrate the hard work we did. I never really talked to these classmates before or cared to know them more, but I realized that it was good to make friends with different types of people and I learned that I can have fun with them too. They were really nice to me and good people too. We even went to the library together after to work on an assignment for another class that is due tomorrow. They made sure that I was able to get home okay at the end of the night too.

I'm starting to really like my classmates. I never really cared about them before, but now I'm beginning to see that maybe something good can come out of this. Maybe God will use me here and fruitful things can happen. I think today was a good day, even though people seem to think that being single on Valentine's day is a bad thing and you should be sad. But I find that it doesn't matter what your status is. Today is just like any other day, we should always show love to others and treat people well.

There will always be dramatic things that happen, but those are the times that you will look back on and laugh at, the times that you will remember and know that you had a good time. It's exciting when problems arise, even though they seem bad at that moment, I think that if you know that you're going to make it - it won't be so bad anymore. You'll start to see the light in everything and realize that sometimes you should just take it easy. Rough times are the good times.

This Life - MercyMe

Philippians 3 today. 

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