Sometimes being a good friend doesn't mean always giving in to what they want and letting them have everything they ask for. Sometimes being a good friend means pushing each other and being patient with them in their struggles and growth. Sometimes keeping them happy in a way that doesn't also make you happy isn't a good thing. Sure, friends sacrifice things for each other, but when it's only a one way street then I'm not sure what it really says about the friendship. Maybe I just need a better understanding of the different types of people out there and their needs. Maybe even the little things that I don't care too much about, even if it's something small that I disagree with, maybe I should voice my opinion. Instead of keeping my thoughts to myself I should let them know of my preferences or thoughts so that they will know more about me that way. Instead of just always agreeing with them, I can voice my opinions and still choose to go along with whatever they prefer. At least they would know and I wouldn't have to feel bad. I don't know where I'm going with this. Just a vomiting out a bunch of thoughts on my mind.
I have been reading Amos still! I'm on chapter 8 now.
My last exam is tomorrow. Maybe I'm just feeling a bit down right now because the exam I had today didn't go so well and I wanted to do something with my friends today but they didn't feel the same way, so I didn't push them. It's okay. I guess. I set up time for them and they knew about it and I thought they were on board. But in the end they just flopped and I guess they didn't really care about or didn't know that I just wanted to spend time with them. haha. Maybe I perceive us to be better friends than they do.
I have been reading Amos still! I'm on chapter 8 now.
My last exam is tomorrow. Maybe I'm just feeling a bit down right now because the exam I had today didn't go so well and I wanted to do something with my friends today but they didn't feel the same way, so I didn't push them. It's okay. I guess. I set up time for them and they knew about it and I thought they were on board. But in the end they just flopped and I guess they didn't really care about or didn't know that I just wanted to spend time with them. haha. Maybe I perceive us to be better friends than they do.