Wednesday, June 18, 2014

We'll Be Friends Forever

Today I had a conversation with my friend about what we think life will be like after we graduate. "Will we still see each other?" I asked. "We'll be friends forever" was the response. I was pleasantly surprised by her optimism. I can't believe that we're more than half way done our undergraduate career. 5 years seems like a long time, but it's actually passing by really quickly. It doesn't feel like we've been friends for 3 years already. I don't get tired of spending every day with my friends. You would have thought that I'd get sick of them by now. 4 months of seeing them every day and then 4 months of maybe one or two meet ups. Then the cycle starts over and repeats until we're done our 5 years.

I think back to the friendships I've had in the past. How many times have I thought to myself that we'd be friends forever? How many of those friendships am I still part of? My first best friend ever was when I was in kindergarten. She slept over at my house a lot because my parents baby sat her while her parents were busy at work. We were really young then, so that's as much as I can remember. My second best friend moved away in grade 2. She also came over to my house quite a bit and we gave each other gifts. I cried when she moved. My third best friend I met in grade 2. We were both standing by the edge of a fence that separates the pavement from the grassy field above. I didn't have any friends since my best friend had just moved. I saw her asked, "Hey, are you a loner?"  The funny thing about kids is that they're not afraid to speak what they think. She replied, "What's a loner?" ... and that was the start to a friendship that lasted strong until we both changed schools in grade 7. We still kept in touch, and I saw her every once in a while along with some of our other elementary school friends. But as the years passed, we hung out less and less, and eventually our interests differed so much that we lost touch.

I didn't want to make any new friends when I started in my junior high school. This was grade 7. I missed my best friend. We had a few friends who tried to keep in touch and still occasionally contact us. But it got harder once we didn't see each other 5 days a week. Eventually, I reluctantly made new friends at my new school. I was just too cool not to... Just kidding. I ended up floating around a few groups, so I wasn't ever really super tight with anyone, but I knew a lot of people.

In grade 8 my best friend and I had so many adventures together. We were both floaters, and we were both really different. But somehow, it worked. Perhaps it was because we both shared our relationship with Jesus. Perhaps it was because we experienced tough times and shared our vulnerabilities with each other and really cared for each other. We weren't just play buddies, we weren't just there to make each other feel less lonely. We actually loved and cared for each other as sisters in Christ. We stayed close friends throughout high school even though she changed schools multiple times. I guess by then we were old enough to take the bus on our own and hanging out after school was an option. We're the type of friends who can spend time apart and still be open and honest with each other when we catch up. It's as if time stops when we part. We are still friends.

I made another friend during my high school years that I still keep in contact with. She doesn't believe in Christ, but we've had lots of open conversations about love, life, and God. I think we understand each other in a way that we can both speak our thoughts and not be afraid of judgement.

After all the friends moving and after losing contact with so many people, I'm not sure at what point I realized that there is no such thing as friends forever. I may be wrong. I mean, there are still a few people I keep in touch with from before university. There are still some people I know I can always talk to and will want to catch up. I think there was a point in time where I realized that people won't always be there in your life. I haven't thought about this in a long time, but I think I still believe that God will put people in your life when you need them. Some people will walk with you for a long time, others will only walk with you for a few steps. The important thing is to cherish them while they are with you, and to enjoy every step of the way with them. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

The Light!!!

So I finally found it - the chords (and lyrics) to this song I sung at church a few months ago. I really liked it but I couldn't remember enough of the lyrics to find it on Google when I got home. Today, we sang it again and I made sure to remember more of the lyrics this time. It's called "Light Shine In" and it's sung by One Sonic Society in this video (Lyrics at the end of this post).

It's been a rough start to the term. So many changes, so many things happening all in one month. First - I should have taken a break between coop and school. That's one lesson learned. I need rest! I am only a student and nobody expects me to work extra. Second, I still have been getting these really bad hives at random times during the day but mostly occurring at night. I get them everywhere - sides, arms, feet, legs, neck, so far pretty much everywhere except my face. I don't know why or what's causing them. I don't know how to make it stop without taking some kind of allergy pill.. but I don't want to take too many. I saw a doctor and he told me to just take the allergy meds when it gets really bad but otherwise there's no point in getting an allergy test since I'll still be allergic and react to it. It's probably something in the air and I can't avoid it anyway. The only "cure" would be to get weekly allergy shots and that's not something I want or need for now anyway.

School is picking up. I have been studying and going to class WAY more regularly than I did ever before. Last term I studied every day for every moment of free time I had.. but this was only DURING and AFTER midterms. This term, things got really busy after the first week. On the bright side, I think I'm actually grasping things in these courses. I find that I can study better with just the textbook. The thing I always did wrong before was to not read the textbook and just rely on what I remember from class or from reading the solutions. This time, I read the textbook and my notes and make my own summary notes based on the questions I do (the summary notes I make every term). Sometimes it takes a really long time to get into the textbook. It's really boring and the equations scare me. The math is really tricky because I have to remember things from previous terms. I have a horrible memory so that doesn't help. The good thing is that I've actually started to enjoy doing the problems. It's weird because I actually understand what is going on now. I don't understand most things in class, but I can follow along with the math and absorb concepts the prof throws at me, but usually when I do the assignments I forget everything that happened. I need steps to guide me. After doing a few problems and looking at examples or solutions, I started to get a feel for the types of questions and how to manipulate the variables to get what I want. I think I'm really learning!!!!

I hope I'm not saying these things too prematurely as midterm week hasn't exactly happened yet (it's this week). In preparation for it, I made a study schedule and it seems like I am on track! For once, I feel like I can actually be "on top" of my courses! I used to go into exams knowing that I don't know stuff, but I really feel like I have a chance now to do better than just a pass. The grades I've been getting so far are not bad too!

I am even exercising more. I try to wake up early to do follow some pilates videos on youtube and it feels really good! It wakes me up and I feel stronger. I actually feel my muscles getting less tired and I am able to do the full workout for most of the videos now which makes me really happy because I used to stop a lot for breaks.

I'm still trying to go on exchange. There are a lot of things that I want to do. There are also a lot of things that I don't know about what I want to do. So that's the life of being an indecisive person. I also had a small breakdown last week when I realized that my club sucked and that people will leave because I'm not making it what it should be. But the good part is that my friend and vp was really supportive about it and helped me to push the club in a new (better) direction.

I am also reading one chapter a day for Mark! I was supposed to be following my Sunday School class that I had to leave (because of school) - they are going to read the Bible in a year! I started with them but I fell behind after going to school. I am trying to catch up now =)

Having a seeker's small group is interesting too. I started it with my friend and we both have friends who are interested in what Jesus Christ is all about. I am actually pleasantly surprised by how bold their questions are - "How do you become a Christian?", "What's the process?", "Why should I believe?" and even having some of my other non-Christian friends have started having conversations with me about faith and what it means to love your neighbour. It's actually really crazy because I'm starting to feel less awkward about sharing my faith with them.

On a side note, I almost had a meltdown today when I got home from studying because I was trying to make dinner but everything was so dirty or rotten and I was really grossed out and I wanted to cry. I know it sounds silly but I think I was just super stressed. After a long day of doing questions and finally understanding concepts, I wanted to come home to a nice warm meal and just relax a bit. But I ended up having to tip toe around nasty crusty counter-tops and re-wash anything that I wanted to use to cook or eat with. I also had to sort through the stuff in the fridge to finally get to what I wanted to cook and I realized that it had gone bad even though the expiry date is today and it was a completely sealed package. Then my feet started itching really badly while I was trying to cook in the dirty kitchen and it wouldn't stop and I was so hungry.

Breathing deeply really helps. I just told myself that I'm probably just in high-stress mode from preparing for midterm week that a lot of things are setting me off a bit more easily than they normally would (a dirty kitchen still upsets me though). I should really sleep earlier - I'm really bad. I think I'm a little bit of a workaholic...

Also some of my friends are being weird and I have no clue what to do about it. I also don't have the capacity to really reach out and see what's going on or if they even want that. So I think I'll just deal with what I have right now and if they need my help I will be there.

OK as promised, here are the lyrics to the song:
You can hear Vertical Church sing it too I have no clue who wrote it >< sorry..

Arise, for the light has come
Darkness bows down to the risen Son, the risen Son
Arise, raise your hands and sing
To the one God, to the one God

You are, You are
The matchless King
Who tore down the gates of the enemy
Make way, make way
For Christ and sing
Let your kingdom come, Your kingdom come

Arise, for the battles won
Our hearts bow down
To the risen Son, the risen Son
Arise, raise your hands and sing
To the one God, to the one God

Come let the light shine in
Come let the light shine in
We’ll let Your light shine in
We’ll let Your light shine in