Thursday, March 3, 2011

tests update...

ugh. so today i found out (because i dont listen in class D=, always distracted or in a faze) that i have two french tests next week.  hurray......

mon - french test
tues - french test, physics test
wed - ski trip
thurs - chem test
fri - eng rough essay due

lovely. calc test is moved to after march break! =) yay.

went snowboarding today.. i wiped out once. pretty badly too. i was going over a bump, and i decided to go from my heel to toe edge... and then i think i just caught an edge or wasn't paying enough attention to where i was going, i tripped, then landed on my forearm (thankfully not my wrist), bounced onto my knee, and then rolled. a small electric pain resonated through my body, so i just laid there. lol for a bit..... cauz i couldnt move and thankfully noone rode over me. phew. i was in a very bad place - easy to get run over. gonna get a bruise tomorrow!!!

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