Tuesday, March 1, 2011

danger: busy week ahead!

 i forgot to hand in my grad comment yesterday (due date) . so i guess i just wont have one =P

so. next week.

monday: - is major study day LOL.

tuesday: - physics chapters 9&10 test
better start studying! i know nothing atm!

wednesaday - SKI TRIP! get to postpone chem test =)

thursday - chem test @ lunchtime, also potential math test

Friday - physical check up, then eng rough copy of essay due, also potential math test D= chapter 3 calc

Saturday - rehearsal all day

Sunday - worship practise, then more rehearsal

THEN MARCH BREAK!! YEAAAH. --> going into waterloo! and then work on musical!

this means i have to study... lots this week. i have some english essay outline thing due on thursday. but it shouldn't take too long...once i choose a topic. lol. time to make the calendar for march... get a new desktop background...

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