Wednesday, March 30, 2011

and the most relaxed yet productive week of the year goes to......


I have done the most work this week, and have felt equally relaxed!

YAY. Hurray for work and play balance!

Monday - Finished enough calc problems (quota), physics, english questions and french introduction! And then I had free time ...

Tuesday - finished almost all calc problems from the package! had lots of relax time =)

Wednesday - lots of relax time, finished all calc problems, doing physics now!

Thursday - no school (OSSLT)! yay. (30 min classes = not worth it) going to finish rough copy of french essay, catch up on chem, finish reading act 3 for shakespeare + questions! study for act 1/2 quiz tmr.

Friday - Catch up on chem / finish act 3.

strangely enough, i was able to focus on work and not get distracted! I also completed physics + chem homework for the first time at home when it wasn't before a test! YAY.  getting better at focusing. i think its my subconscious worrying over my dropping marks. updated marks going into unis on monday! eep! the only 90 i have is tech D=. ugh. i hope calc is good, and eng has gone up. so so so it should hopefully even out my droppage.

lalalalaala! also, for some good reason, i'm suddenly enthusiastic about math! =) yay. i think its from helping people, and the fact that i actually understand what i'm doing now! yay =) teaching = learning for both me and the "student". also, there are only a few people who are really good at teaching me math, so yay & thanks to them. =)

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