Thursday, March 24, 2011


yes, droppings is another way to say "poop".

all my marks are dropping... except for english. and tech.

i'm doing okay in calc... a lot better than functions. i am so glad =) in the 80s range. maybe even mid 80s lol. how i wish they were high 80s. but yeah i'm so glad. it's better than functions haha so far. just gotta keep it up and do better!

french mark droppeed 5 % because i got 76 and 50 on the last two grammar tests. =( boo.

chem mark dropped 4% because i got 50, 50, 64, and 69 on the different sections on  my last test. ughh eww. so much for getting 95+ on the previous tests. sigh.. how they drop so easily.

physics mark dropped 1 % because of the test that i thought i did really well on, but turns out i made too many little mistakes, and didnt give enough information when i explained stuff. guh. really. whyyy =( i'd rather do poorly at the beginning and then end up with 90s at the end like i started out... 

gotta not be stressed. gotta be in a calm state of mind. gotta trust and let God do His work, because maybe He knows that I wont be able to handle waterloo so mcmaster is best for me. and i'm good with that too. but that doesnt mean i'll stop trying and doing my best. doing my best + God's will = right path.

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